Throne and Liberty Release Date: Gameplay - Leveling Sword & Shield - SarkariResult

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Embark on an Epic Adventure with Throne and Liberty

News: Throne and Liberty (TL) is a highly anticipated MMORPG poised to make a significant impact on the gaming scene. Created by South Korea’s NCSoft and globally distributed by Amazon Games, this online gaming experience beckons players into an enthralling virtual realm. Initially conceived as Lineage Eternal and designed as a sequel to the renowned Lineage game, Throne and Liberty experienced various transformations and delays throughout its development journey. Nevertheless, the long-awaited moment has arrived, with the game scheduled for release on December 7, 2023. Gamers are now eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the distinctive features and gameplay that Throne and Liberty promises to deliver.

A Journey Filled with Challenges and Transformations

The evolution of Throne and Liberty has been marked by a series of hurdles and metamorphoses. Initially unveiled in 2011 under the title Lineage Eternal, the game initially outlined beta testing slated for 2015. However, unforeseen challenges led to the rescheduling of beta testing to 2016. In a strategic move in 2017, NCSoft rebranded the project as Project TL, symbolizing a revitalized beginning for the game while preserving its core identity as a massive multiplayer online role-playing game.

An Immersive Experience Awaits

Throne and Liberty transcends being a mere game; it unfolds as an immersive experience enabling players to traverse virtual realms and embark on myriad adventures. As the eagerly awaited release date arrived, players from across Europe eagerly delved into the gaming realm at precisely 11:00 PM CET on December 7, 2023. This launch ushered in a surge of anticipation and exhilaration, with gamers immersing themselves in the fantastical world meticulously crafted by the NCSoft Team TL. The developers’ relentless efforts to meet the lofty expectations of the global gaming community have culminated in Throne and Liberty, and players can now bask in the realization of these endeavors.

Available on Multiple Platforms

Throne and Liberty extends its availability across diverse platforms, encompassing Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. This inclusivity ensures that players can indulge in the gaming experience on their preferred systems, be it a PC or a gaming console.

A Highly Anticipated MMORPG

Throne and Liberty, the long-anticipated MMORPG, has now been unleashed to the joy of gamers globally. Despite the obstacles and delays encountered throughout its development, NCSoft and Amazon Games have presented a game poised to deliver a captivating multiplayer experience within a fantastical realm of adventure. The release of Throne and Liberty signifies the commencement of an epic journey for players, inviting them to partake in virtual adventures and explore enchanting realms. Gear up, gaming enthusiasts, and prepare to immerse yourselves in the immersive world of Throne and Liberty!


1. On which platforms is Throne and Liberty available for play?

Throne and Liberty is accessible on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

2. Does Throne and Liberty incorporate multiplayer functionality?

Throne and Liberty includes compelling multiplayer features for players.

3. Is Throne and Liberty considered a sequel to Lineage?

No, Throne and Liberty was initially planned as a sequel to Lineage but underwent significant changes in its development process.
