Meaning of 90210 (feat Kacy Hill) by Travis Scott

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

In Travis Scott's song "90210," the overall theme revolves around the pursuit of fame, success, and the dark side of the entertainment industry. The lyrics paint a picture of a world that lures people in with promises of glamour and riches, but ultimately takes a toll on their mental wellbeing and personal relationships. Through the exploration of various standout lyrics, we can delve deeper into the song's underlying themes and uncover unexpected and imaginative interpretations.One of the standout lyrics in the song is "She a porn star girl, oh, from the valley. Who left her hometown world all for the alley." This lyric explores the theme of sacrificing personal values and principles for the sake of fame and fortune. The reference to the porn industry highlights the extreme lengths individuals might go to in pursuit of success. It suggests that some people may be willing to abandon their true selves and engage in activities that contradict their personal morals just to make it big. The "alley" symbolizes the society's seedy underbelly, the darker side of the entertainment world that one must navigate through to reach the top.Another significant line is "He might pop him a pill, pop him a seal, pop anyone. Pop anything, pop anything, then find an alley." Here, the theme of substance abuse and escapism emerges. It speaks to the prevalence of drugs within the industry and highlights how some individuals turn to substance abuse as a means of coping with the pressures and insecurities that come along with fame. The repeated mention of "pop" suggests a casual and almost reckless attitude towards drug use, reinforcing the idea that these individuals are looking to numb themselves from the harsh realities of their chosen path.In the verse, the lines "Friends turning into fraud n_ggas. Practicing, have the passion, you n_ggas packaged different. All you n_ggas, you n_ggas want, that's why you can't have it" shed light on the theme of friendship and betrayal. It highlights the precarious nature of relationships in the industry, where trust is often betrayed in the pursuit of personal gain. The idea that friends can transform into fraudulent individuals speaks to the concept of people losing themselves in the pursuit of success. The line "you n_ggas packaged different" suggests that these individuals have become products, packaged and molded into something that is expected of them, sacrificing their genuine selves in the process.Additionally, the lyrics "My granny called, she said 'Travie, you work too hard. I'm worried you'll forget about me'" bring attention to the theme of familial love and the toll that fame can take on personal relationships. It depicts the struggle that artists face in balancing their newfound success with maintaining meaningful connections with those who have supported them from the beginning. It suggests the fear of losing touch with one's roots and becoming disconnected from the people who truly care about them. It poses the question of whether the pursuit of glory and wealth is worth sacrificing the love and support of family.Overall, "90210" dives into the complex world of fame, success, and the sacrifices individuals make to reach the top. The song explores themes of compromising personal values, substance abuse, betrayals, and the strain on personal relationships. While it tackles these darker aspects of the entertainment industry, it also serves as a cautionary tale, reminding listeners of the importance of staying grounded and true to oneself in the face of fame and fortune.
