As part of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 1 challenges, players need to find Golden Artifacts near The Spire. In this guide, we’ll run you through all Fortnite Golden Artifact locations you’ll need to know.
Fortnite Spire Golden Artifact Locations
There are three Golden Artifacts that you have to collect from near The Spire, which can be found at the very center of the Season 6 map.
Two of these are golden llama heads, while another is of Kit the cat wearing a nice grass skirt. We’ve marked their locations on a map of the Spire below.
Golden Artifact #1
The first can be found on the east side of The Spire. Head up the stairs from the ground on the east side of the spire and you’ll find yourself in a market area.
There’s a golden llama head behind one of these stalls in the northwest corner of the market area.
Fortnite Golden Artifact #2
Next up, head up the stairs just across from where you’ve picked up the first Golden Artifact. Then take a right through the door just next to another flight of stairs.
You’ll find the second artifact just next to some pots and vases right ahead of you on the right-hand side.
Golden Artifact #3
Finally, head back out the way you came and up the stairs to your left. Take another flight of stairs immediately to your left once you’ve reached the top, and then through the building door.
Ignore the Spire Assassin in this room, head straight out the other side, take a left and climb up the stairs. Break down the boarded entrance in the tower at the top of this flight of stairs to find another golden artifact nestled inside.
That’s everything you need to know on finding the Golden Artifacts near The Spire. For more on the game, head over to our wiki, search for Twinfinite, or check out more of our coverage on the game below.
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