Pranaiya Magoffin cause of death was searched by people on the internet after the news went viral that Pranaiya Oulapathorn killed her child and herself.
Many rumors targeted her husband Magoffic that he might have killed his wife and son, Arthur. Later it was known that it wasn’t Magoffin who killed Pranaiya and their son.
Pranaiya’s husband, Hamish Magoffin, said that his wife would sleep the moment she lay in bed. But, she suffered a shock after giving birth to their son, Arthur, in March 2021.
After their son was born, the family belonging to Thailand got normal with the passing days with the baby. Hamish said everything was going fine, and there was some stress due to their newborn.
Later, Pranaiya started to suffer from stress because while breastfeeding her son, her milk ducts kept clogging. The baby used to cry even though she breastfed him.
Later, she realized that the baby was not being fed enough milk. Every day, she had to pump enough milk for the baby to have his stomach full.
She was fed up with pumping the milk every day, so she forced herself to try and get as much milk for the baby.
Several weeks passed, and the couple decided to use a formula to lower their stress levels, so they have a good sleep. Magoffin said that the situation got worse, and her wife started to build insomnia.
Prianaiya was taking several medicines to lower her stress levels, but it wasn’t working for her. The 37-year-old started to have side effects due to her medications.
She didn’t feel like getting up from the bed, and her body was not strong enough to move. Dark thoughts and depression took most of her, and her mental stability was getting worse with the passing days.
On Sept 1, Praniaya’s depression broke the scale, and she lost herself. Their son, Arthur, was less than six months old, and he was murdered by her mother.
After the death of Magoffin’s wife and his son, Arthur, police were called to investigate. It was known that Pranaiya was suffering from a mental disorder and insomnia that caused her to kill her son and herself.
Many people thought that Pranaiya didn’t like children but as per children from her neighbor, she had a great repo. She was always friendly with kids and enjoyed spending time with them.
She didn’t have priority over having her own baby, but after the couple’s discussion, she was excited about having a baby.
The couple received the news of the pregnancy in late summer 2020, and the couple welcomed their son during their visit to Bangkok.
Why Was Pranaiya Magoffin In Stress?
According to her sister, Pongnadda’ Pong’ Oulapathorn, Pranaiya was a happy mom, and she was enjoying being a mother. She was caring for her child and didn’t have any thoughts of killing him.
Her sister said that she started postpartum depression, which caused her to think that “She was not a good mom.” She was trying to do extraordinary for the baby, and Magoffin realized it.
So, the couple invited their family friend who also had faced and recovered from postpartum stress. The conversion with the family friend brought no change in Pranaiya’s life, and she began building dark thoughts in her mind.
In the end, her situation worsened, and she first killed her son and later killed herself. This was also the time when she realized her condition was worse and decided to consult a professional.