Overwatch’s Path to Pro program has revealed the new D.Va-themed branding for the collegiate series and fans are already speculating about (and hoping for) the possibility of new skins.
Overwatch has always emphasized its “path to pro” pipeline, linking the casual fans to the esports scene. That seems to be taking yet another step in 2021, as the official Twitter account for the pipeline has revealed new branding for the collegiate series.
While some players are excited to hear news about the return of collegiate support, others have honed in on the branding around the teaser.
With a brand-new D.Va logo, a Miami Vice-esque color theme, and the history of Contenders skins being made available — fans are hoping the Collegiate series will also bring new skins to Overwatch.
New year, new look. Are you ready for Homecoming?
9.7.21 #OWCOLLEGIATE2021 pic.twitter.com/cEpWlRZegd
— Overwatch Path to Pro (@owpathtopro) September 6, 2021
In the new branding, you can see the dual-tone split around a silhouette as seen popularly in traditional sports leagues (NBA, NFL, MLB) and the Overwatch League. Except this one centers around D.Va and comes in blue and pink, which seems to have made it immediately beloved.
In the replies, people have called the branding “dope” and “so clean,” with a number hoping for this to lead into the game. One response asked if this revamped program would mean “new skins,” while another made a simple request: “please make this D.Va logo an obtainable icon in the game.”

As players wait for Overwatch 2 to release, any new in-game content would be very well received. And, of course, if it’s D.Va content, then even better.
For now, it’s unclear what exactly the plans are, or even if there are any plans for, integration of the Overwatch Collegiate program into the game. We could find out more with the announcement on September 7 and Dexerto will keep things updated here as news comes out.