Love and Hip Hop’s resident BOSS Chrissy Lampkin is back on the prowl and this week it’s Yandy Smith’s turn to be checked. Chrissy has a problem with the way Yandy is managing her man, hip hop producer and artist Jim Jones. Last week at Somaya Reece’s showcase, Chrissy confronted Yandy about referring to Jim Jones as “my money,” making it clear that Jim Jones is Chrissy’s money.
At the beginning of the episode, the women are in the midst of a heated argument about… checks. “I see it and I don’t like it so I’m going to check it,” Chrissy snaps. Yandy, smart enough to avoid going toe-to-toe with a woman wearing pearls and combat pants, backs down.
She later confides in Kimbella Vanderhee, girlfriend of Jim’s group mate, Juelz Santana, and Kimbella doesn’t hesitate to offer up her own theory about Chrissy’s behavior. “This chick has a problem with every woman who has something going for herself.”
No matter what anyone thinks Chrissy’s underlying issues are, Jim made clear that there are two things that are not to be played with: his lady and his money. In a phone call, he screams on Yandy for disrespecting Chrissy; feeling slighted, Yandy ignores Jim’s phone calls and the two miss out on a $25,000 gig.
“You f’d up 25,000 grand because you needed a day?” Jim bawls when the two hash it out in the studio.
“Your girl got in my face because I said I like checks!” Yandy countered.
Later, Yandy puts pride aside and invites Chrissy to dinner, but her attempts at reconciliation are futile. Chrissy abruptly leaves. “God can’t get me to walk back in here and talk to you.”
Meanwhile, Emily Bustamente continues to display personal growth in her life post-Fabolous. This week, the stylist moves into a new home and she’s excited about the prospects of a fresh start. Then in a scene befitting a scene from ‘For Colored Girls Who’ve Considered Suicide’, Emily stretches out on the floor of her empty apartment, clutching a bottle of champagne and a family portrait, sobbing to the heavens.
Still, though Emily may have moved on from rapper Fabolous, she can’t seem to shake his past transgressions. Still bitter that the rapper cheated on her with fellow castmate Kimbella, she mistakenly ends up at a party hosted by her arch nemesis and proceeds to make the most inappropriate toast in reality television history: “You are the most qualified,” she says, congratulating Kimbella for her cover on Black Men Magazine. “You’ve had the most Black men in you, including mine.”
While the other castmates duke it out, aspiring rapper Somaya Reece focuses on her music and, perhaps, new love. She hires new producers and immediately announces she does not want to be sexualized, but her short speech falls on deaf ears. Producer Swift says her sexuality “is something that needs to be expressed.” Maybe it’s the way he gazes deeply into her eyes, and speaks of her body with such poeticism, but Somaya quickly goes from feminist to flirt. She and her new love interest date before the episode’s end.
Next week on Love & Hip Hop Jim will finally confront his mom about the way she disrespects Chrissy with her now infamous anti-daughter-in-law song–an epic showdown we’re sure won’t disappoint.