Major League Wrestling since the following to WrestleZone for immediate release:
NEW YORK — Major League Wrestling (MLW®) and Wildcat Championship Belts announced an agreement today to manufacture a line of authentic championship belts featuring MLW’s iconic championships.
The line of belts, available now at , offers fans the chance to collect every MLW championship.
Handmade by Wildcat, the belt maker of all MLW titles, the MLW title belts are made with world class craftsmanship and materials. The authentic line of MLW championship title belts are identical to the belts featured in Major League Wrestling.
“For the first-time ever, fans have the opportunity to own the ultimate collector’s item,” said MLW CEO Court Bauer. “One of the biggest requests I get is now a reality with this line of belts.”
All MLW championship belts are now available for the MLW super fan, including:
· The World Heavyweight Championship
· The World Tag Team Championship
· The World Middleweight Championship
· The National Openweight Championship
Wildcat Championship Belts is recognized as the premier source for custom, handmade championship belts. With clients from MLW to New Japan to the New York Mets, Wildcat is second to none.