Buzz Aldrin is a famous American former astronaut, engineer, and as well as fighter pilot.
Buzz Aldrin made three spacewalks as pilot of the 1966 Gemini 12 mission, and, as Lunar Module Eagle pilot on the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, he and mission commander Neil Armstrong were the first two people to land on the Moon.
Buzz Aldrin was born on January 20, 1930, in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, in the United States of America.
Buzz Aldrin graduated third in the class of 1951 from the United States Military Academy at West Point, with a degree in mechanical engineering.
Is Buzz Aldrin still alive?
Buzz Aldrin is still alive. He is the last surviving crew member of Apollo 11. Buzz is now living in New Jersey at the of 92.
Buzz Aldrin is the father of Janice Aldrin, Andrew Aldrin, and James Aldrin.