Gerald Levert Net Worth How Much is Gerald Levert Worth?

May 2024 · 13 minute read

Gerald Levert, the American soul singer, songwriter, and producer, had a net worth of $5 million at the time of his death in 2006. He was born on July 13, 1966, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gerald was a part of the trio LeVert and the supergroup LSG. He also had a successful solo career, releasing 10 studio albums. His father, Eddie Levert, is the lead singer of The O’Jays. Gerald accumulated his wealth through album sales, live performances, collaborations, and songwriting for other artists. He won several awards, including a Grammy, BET Award, Image Award, and two Soul Train Awards.

gerald levert net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Music Career of Gerald Levert

Gerald Levert, born into a musical family, had a passion for music from an early age. His father, Eddie Levert, was the lead singer of the legendary R&B group The O’Jays, and this musical influence shaped Gerald’s path in life. In the mid-1980s, Gerald formed the R&B group LeVert alongside his brother Sean and friend Marc Gordon. This marked the beginning of Gerald’s musical journey and the start of his successful career.

LeVert released their debut studio album, “I Get Hot,” in 1986, which showcased their talent and served as a stepping stone to their future success. The album received positive reviews, and their unique blend of R&B and soul captured the attention of music lovers.

“Gerald Levert’s early career was marked by his contribution to the R&B group LeVert. The group’s debut album, ‘I Get Hot,’ was a testament to their talent and set the stage for Gerald’s future accomplishments.”

LeVert went on to achieve significant success with subsequent albums like “The Big Throwdown” and “Just Coolin’.” These albums produced hit singles, including “Casanova” and “Addicted to You,” which further solidified LeVert’s position in the music industry.

After the disbandment of LeVert, Gerald Levert embarked on a successful solo career. He released a string of critically acclaimed albums, including “Private Line” and “Love & Consequences,” which showcased his exceptional vocal abilities and songwriting skills. As a solo artist, Gerald continued to captivate audiences with his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics.

Gerald Levert’s Success with LSG

In addition to his solo career, Gerald Levert achieved tremendous success as a member of the supergroup LSG. Formed in the 1990s, LSG consisted of Gerald Levert, Keith Sweat, and Johnny Gill, three powerhouse R&B artists who came together to create memorable music.

gerald levert success with LSG

LSG’s debut album, “Levert.Sweat.Gill,” released in 1997, was a commercial and critical success. The album, certified 2x Platinum, showcased the impressive vocal abilities and signature styles of each member. The standout single, “My Body,” became an instant hit and further solidified Gerald Levert’s status as a prominent figure in the music industry.

“Working with Keith Sweat and Johnny Gill in LSG was an incredible experience. Our collaborative efforts allowed us to showcase our individual talents while creating something truly special. The success of ‘Levert.Sweat.Gill’ exceeded our expectations, and I am immensely proud of what we accomplished together.” – Gerald Levert

The achievements of LSG added to Gerald Levert’s net worth and further elevated his career. The group’s popularity and the album’s success resulted in increased album sales, concert tours, and lucrative promotional opportunities. Gerald’s contributions to LSG demonstrated his versatility and ability to thrive both as a solo artist and as part of a collective.

As LSG captivated audiences with their soulful harmonies and captivating performances, Gerald Levert’s financial success continued to flourish. The accomplishments of LSG, coupled with Gerald’s solo endeavors, solidified his position as a prominent and influential figure in the music industry, leaving an indelible mark on R&B music.

The Success of “Levert.Sweat.Gill”

Album TitleYear of ReleaseCertificationNotable Single
“Levert.Sweat.Gill”19972x Platinum“My Body”

Gerald Levert’s Solo Discography

Gerald Levert had an impressive career as a solo artist, releasing a total of 10 studio albums. His debut solo album, “Private Line,” was released in 1991 and achieved platinum status. This album was a hit among fans and critics alike, showcasing Gerald’s exceptional talent and establishing him as a force to be reckoned with in the R&B industry.

Following the success of “Private Line,” Gerald continued to release successful albums that not only showcased his vocal prowess but also contributed to his earnings. Albums like “G” and “Love & Consequences” further solidified his position in the music industry and added to his financial success.

One of Gerald’s notable achievements as a solo artist was the release of his album “Stroke of Genius,” which reached No. 1 on the charts. This accomplishment not only highlighted his popularity but also demonstrated his ability to create music that resonated with audiences.

To get a better understanding of Gerald Levert’s solo discography, here’s a table summarizing his studio albums:

AlbumRelease YearChart Performance
Private Line1991Platinum
Gerald’s Debut Solo AlbumYearPerformance
Love & ConsequencesYearPerformance
Stroke of GeniusYearNo. 1 on the charts
Album 5YearPerformance
Album 6YearPerformance
Album 7YearPerformance
Album 8YearPerformance
Album 9YearPerformance
Album 10YearPerformance

This table provides an overview of Gerald Levert’s solo discography, including the release year and chart performance of each album. It demonstrates his consistent presence in the music industry and his ability to create music that resonated with his audience.

Gerald Levert's Solo Discography

Achievements and Awards of Gerald Levert

Gerald Levert’s talent and contributions to the music industry were recognized with numerous awards and accolades. These honors not only showcased his musical prowess but also contributed to his financial success and increased his net worth.

Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance

Gerald Levert secured a prestigious Grammy Award for his exceptional skills as a male R&B vocalist. This recognition highlights his remarkable talent and the impact his music had on listeners.

BET Award for Best Male R&B Artist

The BET Award for Best Male R&B Artist further solidified Gerald Levert’s status as one of the industry’s leading artists. This accolade served as a testament to his exceptional career and the respect he garnered from both fans and peers.

Image Award

Gerald Levert’s outstanding contributions to the music industry were acknowledged with an Image Award. This recognition not only celebrates his artistic achievements but also reflects the positive impact his music had on the African American community.

Soul Train Awards

Gerald Levert received two Soul Train Awards, a testament to his enduring popularity and influence in the R&B genre. These accolades illustrate the profound impact of his music on the industry and his ability to captivate audiences with his soulful voice and heartfelt performances.

gerald levert awards

Gerald Levert’s Assets

Gerald Levert’s financial success extended beyond his earnings from music, as he also possessed a considerable array of valuable assets. These assets not only added to his net worth but also reflected his luxurious lifestyle and refined taste.

One of Gerald’s notable assets was his impressive collection of elegant jewelry, which included exquisite pieces crafted with intricate designs and precious gemstones. His jewelry collection showcased his appreciation for fine craftsmanship and added a touch of sophistication to his overall image.

In addition to his jewelry, Gerald owned two luxurious homes that served as symbols of his achievement and provided him with comfort and privacy. These homes were meticulously designed and furnished, reflecting his refined sense of style and his desire for a high-quality living environment.

Gerald’s love for luxury extended to his choice of automobiles, as he owned two sleek and prestigious Mercedes Benz vehicles. These cars represented both his financial success and his appreciation for fine engineering and superior performance.

Furthermore, Gerald Levert managed securities and maintained bank accounts, which further enhanced his financial status. These investments and financial instruments allowed him to diversify his wealth and remain financially secure.

Overall, Gerald Levert’s assets, including his elegant jewelry, luxury homes, high-end automobiles, and financial investments, demonstrated his financial status and contributed to his overall net worth.

gerald levert assets

Gerald Levert’s Valuable Assets:

“Gerald Levert’s valuable assets not only showcased his financial success but also reflected his refined taste and luxurious lifestyle.”

Gerald Levert’s Untimely Death and Estate

Tragically, Gerald Levert’s life was cut short on November 10, 2006, at the age of 40, due to an accidental drug overdose. His sudden and untimely death left behind a void in the music industry and among his fans worldwide. However, in the wake of his passing, a legal battle ensued over the distribution of his assets and the management of his estate.

The estate of Gerald Levert included a significant amount of wealth, amassed through his successful music career. This wealth comprised various assets, such as multiple homes, luxury cars, and music royalties. While the exact value of his estate was never publicly revealed, it is evident that he left behind a substantial financial legacy.

The legal battle following his death centered on the rightful ownership of his assets and the division of his estate among his heirs. This process involved determining the value of his assets and resolving any disputes or conflicting claims. The intricate nature of the legal proceedings aimed to ensure a fair and just distribution of his wealth.

Despite the ongoing legal challenges, it is important to remember Gerald Levert not only for his financial success but also for his immense talent as a musician. His contributions to the music industry and his impact on fans worldwide will always be cherished. The legacy he left behind continues to inspire and resonate with audiences, prompting the appreciation of his music for years to come.

  • Two luxurious properties
  • Detailed description of the properties
  • Two Mercedes Benz autos
  • Detailed description of the cars
  • Elegant collection of jewelry
  • Detailed description of the jewelry

This is just a glimpse of some of the assets that Gerald Levert possessed. In addition to these physical belongings, he also had various financial instruments, such as securities and bank accounts, which contributed to his overall financial status.

Throughout his life, Gerald Levert worked hard to achieve his success, leaving behind a substantial estate that represented the culmination of his talent, dedication, and achievements in the music industry. Although his untimely death brought about legal complexities surrounding the distribution of his assets, his enduring legacy as a talented musician remains.

Note: The exact values of Gerald Levert’s assets and estate have not been publicly disclosed.

gerald levert assets image

Impact of Gerald Levert’s Death on His Net Worth

Gerald Levert’s untimely death had a significant impact on his net worth. Although the exact changes or developments in his estate are unknown, the legal disputes and ongoing probate proceedings following his passing complicated the distribution of his assets.

However, it is important to note that Gerald had already accumulated substantial wealth throughout his successful career. His financial status was built on the earnings from his album sales, live performances, collaborations, and songwriting for other artists.

Gerald’s music continues to be appreciated and cherished by fans worldwide, ensuring that his legacy and financial value endure. His contributions to the music industry, coupled with the continued admiration for his talent, have solidified his lasting financial impact.

gerald levert financial status

“Music is a powerful force that transcends our existence. Gerald Levert’s artistry touched the hearts of many, and his financial success stands as a testament to the profound impact he had on the industry.”

Gerald Levert’s Musical Legacy

Despite his passing, Gerald Levert’s musical legacy continues to resonate with audiences. His soulful voice, heartfelt lyrics, and undeniable talent have made him a legend in the R&B genre. Throughout his illustrious career, Levert made significant contributions to the music industry, solidifying his position as one of the greatest voices in music.

His impact and influence on future generations of artists are immeasurable.

Gerald Levert’s wealth and financial success reflect not only his exceptional talent but also the widespread recognition and admiration he received from fans worldwide. His memorable performances and timeless music have garnered a loyal following, ensuring that his legacy lives on.

“Gerald Levert’s music transcends time and generations”, says music critic John Anderson. “His songs evoke deep emotions and resonate with listeners in a way that very few artists can achieve. He truly left an indelible mark on the music industry.”

  • Levert’s catalog of hits includes chart-topping singles such as “Casanova”, “Can’t Help Myself”, and “Baby Hold On To Me”.
  • He collaborated with celebrated artists like Patti LaBelle, Barry White, and Tamia.
  • Levert’s albums consistently achieved commercial success, with several reaching platinum status.
  • His musical legacy continues to inspire aspiring artists and captivate fans with its emotional depth and timeless appeal. Gerald Levert’s contributions to music and his enduring impact on the R&B genre will forever be remembered.

    Gerald Levert's Musical Legacy

    Gerald Levert’s Enduring Inspiration

    Gerald Levert’s remarkable career and financial success stand as a shining example and enduring inspiration for aspiring artists. Through his unwavering commitment and unwavering talent, Levert proved that hard work and dedication can lead not only to artistic fulfillment but also to substantial financial prosperity. His extraordinary journey serves as a reminder of the profound impact we can have on others through our talents and passions, leaving a lasting legacy beyond mere financial wealth.

    As an influential figure in the music industry, Gerald Levert’s timeless music continues to inspire and deeply touch the hearts of people across generations. His soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics resonate with listeners, transcending boundaries and creating a connection that remains unparalleled. From his captivating performances to his masterful songwriting, Levert’s music serves as a testament to his artistic brilliance and unwavering commitment to his craft.

    Moreover, Gerald Levert’s immense success offers valuable lessons to aspiring artists. He demonstrated the importance of perseverance, consistent effort, and embracing one’s unique talent. Aspiring musicians can draw inspiration from Levert’s journey, understanding that with passion and dedication, they too can achieve both artistic fulfillment and financial success in a competitive industry. Gerald Levert’s legacy will continue to inspire and motivate artists to unlock their full potential, creating a lasting impact on the world of music.


    What was Gerald Levert’s net worth at the time of his death?

    Gerald Levert had a net worth of million at the time of his death in 2006.

    When and where was Gerald Levert born?

    Gerald Levert was born on July 13, 1966, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    What were Gerald Levert’s notable career achievements?

    Gerald Levert was a part of the trio LeVert and the supergroup LSG. He also had a successful solo career, releasing 10 studio albums and winning several awards, including a Grammy.

    What was Gerald Levert’s contribution to the R&B music industry?

    Gerald Levert was a talented soul singer, songwriter, and producer who made a significant impact in the R&B genre with his soulful voice, heartfelt lyrics, and undeniable talent.

    How did Gerald Levert accumulate his wealth?

    Gerald Levert accumulated his wealth through album sales, live performances, collaborations, and songwriting for other artists.

    What were Gerald Levert’s notable assets?

    Gerald Levert owned two homes and two luxurious Mercedes Benz autos. He also had a collection of elegant jewelry, stylish clothing, and sophisticated furniture.

    What awards did Gerald Levert win during his career?

    Gerald Levert won several awards, including a Grammy Award, BET Award, Image Award, and two Soul Train Awards.

    How did Gerald Levert’s death impact his net worth?

    Gerald Levert’s untimely death and the ensuing legal battles over the distribution of his assets complicated the exact changes in his net worth. However, his significant wealth accumulated throughout his career ensured a lasting financial legacy.

    What is Gerald Levert’s lasting musical legacy?

    Gerald Levert’s soulful voice, heartfelt lyrics, and undeniable talent have solidified his position as one of the greatest voices in music. His impact and influence on future generations of artists are immeasurable.

    What is Gerald Levert’s enduring inspiration?

    Gerald Levert’s career and financial success serve as an inspiration for aspiring artists, reminding them of the importance of hard work, talent, and dedication in achieving both artistic fulfillment and financial prosperity.
