The recent fatal car accident that killed Mr. John Pappas is one of the most popular stories on the internet. This terrible thing that happened in Stark County on Sunday night is awful.
According to the sources, two cars were going in different directions. One was going west, and the other was coming. The Chevy Silverado crossed the center line and hit a 2017 Toyota for some reason.
A Car Accident Killed Steph Pappas’s Father.
John Pappas, 53, died in a car accident on Sunday night around 11 p.m. in Jackson Township, Ohio. In the 7700 block of Strausser Street, Jackson Township Police told Cleveland 19 that he was hit by a driver they think was drunk.
Reportedly, a 27-year-old man crossed over the middle of the road and hit the car, killing John on the spot. Steph’s mom was taken to Mercy Medical Center, but no one knows what was wrong with her. At the time this was written, no charges had been filed.
John Pappas Car Accident: Cause Of Death – What Happened?
Fans had already heard that John had died, but on Tuesday (Sept. 13), Steph posted a video on YouTube in which she announced it herself. Before she said that her dad had died, she talked about how he was her “best friend,” “twin,” and “a huge part of my channel.”
The accident happened as Steph’s parents were driving home from her house after having dinner with her family. “They left, and two minutes later, I got a call from my mom, and it was awful,” she said through tears. “It was a horrible thing. They were less than a minute from my house.”
The 22-year-old drove straight to the accident and said it was “heartbreaking.” He also said that his last words were “Oh my god, what is this guy doing?” “He got killed. They think he is because he was drunk and high. We haven’t seen the results yet, but that’s what they think,” she said.
Steph cried a lot in the heartbreaking video and said she feels “broken,” “empty inside,” and “confused.” “Why did that happen to my family? He was the nicest, best person ever. He was, for sure. “I still can’t believe it,” she said.
She Also Said Something On Instagram.
Steph also posted pictures of her dad on Instagram and wrote, “My best friend, who was also my dad, died on September 11th.” “My heart has been broken. I really miss you. I really want you to come back. “I would do anything in the world to keep you here,” she said.
“That night, he was in a terrible car accident. A drunk driver hit him head-on, and he and my dog, Cookie, both died.” She also said that her mother’s survival was a “miracle” and asked people to pray for her family during this hard time.
At the end of the post, the YouTuber wrote, “RIP to my Dad and Cookie. I really love and miss you both.”
She also shared a link to a GoFundMe page called “Help with the loss of John Pappas” and posted some photos on her Story. Nick, Steph’s brother, set up the fundraiser, which says, “We need money to help pay for Steph’s funeral, my mom’s lawyer fees, and to help her get back on her feet when the time comes.”
At the time this was written, $58,681 of the $10,000 goal had already been raised. Shane Dawson, another YouTuber, posted the link to the GoFundMe page on his Instagram Story and asked people to pray for Steph and her family.