immortality Click to see full answer. Also asked, what is the message of Tuck Everlasting?One of the primary messages in Tuck Everlasting is that every living thing must die someday, and that death is actually not such a bad thing, because you have to die if you are going to live.Subsequently, question is, does Winnie die in Tuck Everlasting? At the end of Natalie Babbitt’s book Tuck Everlasting, Winnie has been dead for two years, having died an old woman at the age of 78. Her age at her death matters greatly to the plot of the book. Winnie becomes close to the Tucks, especially the son, Jesse. Furthermore, what is the lesson of Tuck Everlasting? Lesson Summary In Tuck Everlasting, readers follow Winnie Foster as she lives a story that embodies the themes of growing up, civilization vs. nature, time and death, love, loyalty, and family. Recognizing these symbols deepens your understanding of the story: the woods, the toad, the rowboat, and the water.Why was Tuck Everlasting banned?Not technically banned, this book from the author of the beloved novel TUCK EVERLASTING was challenged in 2004. The book has been banned for promoting witchcraft and for undermining religious beliefs, which is ironic given that L’Engle was a devoted and philosophical Christian.