I haven't seen her in about a decade. Anyone know what she's up to these days?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 376 | May 17, 2020 8:50 PM |
I think she's in Connecticut!
by Anonymous | reply 1 | May 8, 2020 2:23 AM |
I'd be willing to be you she's still a bitch.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | May 8, 2020 2:25 AM |
She has appeared on Martha Byrne's web soap Anacostia. In 2016 she got another Daytime Emmy nomination for that role.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | May 8, 2020 2:30 AM |
Miss Lucy. Miss Barbara during Hogan Sheffer period too. Those ATWT ladies were the best.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | May 8, 2020 2:34 AM |
She married a guy named Butt, so now she's Lucinda Butt.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | May 8, 2020 2:34 AM |
R2 You just reminded me of Martin Chedwyn lol. Wasn't he some type of con-artist? He would annoy me with how he pronounced Lisa as Leeezzza
by Anonymous | reply 6 | May 8, 2020 2:49 AM |
How did Michelle Forbes not win an Emmy for Sonni/Solita?
by Anonymous | reply 7 | May 8, 2020 2:54 AM |
R7 From what I've seen, she was brilliant. Kim Zimmer complimented her performance years ago iirc however was she even nominated?
by Anonymous | reply 8 | May 8, 2020 2:58 AM |
R8 Yes, she was for supporting.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | May 8, 2020 3:06 AM |
She was up against Julia Barr in 1989. That's why she lost. Julia was one of the greatest actresses ever on Daytime.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | May 8, 2020 3:13 AM |
She is huge in the Netherlands. I won't forget seeing her interviewed on Dutch tv, and saying primly that she was delighted to have been invited to the "Sucking and Fucking Festival"... She gets the Dutch sense of humor.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | May 8, 2020 3:14 AM |
Michelle should have won. Her Emmy reel wasn't the best. Her performance was the best that year. By far.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | May 8, 2020 3:21 AM |
Wasn't she nominated something like eight years in a row for Lead Actress as Lucinda, but never won? She was such a hoot, loved her banter with RealCraig (Scott Bryce) and Kirk, and her putdowns of the Snyders, Susan Stewart, and Lisa ("oh my God, she's wearing white at her wedding!").
by Anonymous | reply 13 | May 8, 2020 3:23 AM |
Mark Collier was on tonight's Station 19. He still looks fabulous!
by Anonymous | reply 14 | May 8, 2020 3:34 AM |
Dame Liz was nommed for Best Actress each year for 7 years starting in 86 -- and she never won !?! She was up again in 99 and lost then too. Thankfully she won in 74 for The Doctors...
by Anonymous | reply 15 | May 8, 2020 3:58 AM |
DIdn't she marry a closeted gay man at one point?
by Anonymous | reply 16 | May 8, 2020 4:04 AM |
R16, I assume you mean the character , not the actress. Yes she married Larry Lau, closeted both onscreen and off.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | May 8, 2020 4:35 AM |
As I mentioned in a previous thread not only did they have Lucinda marry Laurence Lau's closeted character Brian Wheatley, it turned out he was using her to get close to her gay grandson. I think the writer must have been upset with her, to come up with that storyline. I can't imagine Ron C having the balls to tell Deidre Hall that she was going to have a story line where her new younger husband really wants Will instead. She would serve him his balls on a plate.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | May 8, 2020 5:09 AM |
I’m trying to get my Dutch friends to find the episodes of Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden where Hubbard played sexologist Sair Poindexter. None of her appearances on that are on YT, just interviews on Dutch TV talking about her GTST gig. I guess she broke up with that Dutch fan/bf.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | May 8, 2020 5:15 AM |
Michelle Forbes led one of the best story lines of all time.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | May 8, 2020 5:19 AM |
The Lucinda "she's wearing white" comment....I remember watching that live and laughing from the time she said it until the credits rolled.
It's at around 52:00-53:00 in this clip.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 21 | May 8, 2020 5:30 AM |
Don't know about Lucinda, but Liz is alive and kicking.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 22 | May 8, 2020 5:59 AM |
omg i can watch old aswt on youtube?
do i want to go there?
by Anonymous | reply 23 | May 8, 2020 6:07 AM |
I would have given Forbes the Emmy for Lead Actress in 1989.
I think it went to Marcy Walker for a rape storyline on SB.
Meanwhile, Forbes is playing woman on a ledge in a split personality every day for a year plus.
A 23 year old holding her own against Zimmer and McKinsey.
I think by 1990 her best stuff had played out? Maybe it was bridge stuff that she submitted; but that was so intense; her reel needed to have some of the build to that.
Here's a great scene showing the daily tension with Sonni trying to keep Reva from finding out she had a role in Will's disappearance.
God, I miss these shows.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 24 | May 8, 2020 6:11 AM |
Mark Collier is joining the cast of Y&R as my poolboy when I re-create the iconic role of Katherine Shepherd Reynolds Chancellor Thurston Sterling Murphy. I will be taping my Lead Actress Daytime Emmy scenes as soon as we return. Mark’s character will be getting Kay pregnant because she has turned to the bottle and wants someone to love her unconditionally. It is a new twist on a classic soap story about late in life pregnancies
by Anonymous | reply 25 | May 8, 2020 6:34 AM |
Sonni/Solita was before my GL time however from what I've learned, it sort of sounds like a movie plot. Sonni was Solita pretending to be Sonni yet actually Sonni the whole time, with Solita's personality- innovative while also very impressive. And this was around the same time Anne Heche was killing it as Vicky/Marley on AW. You guys were sort of spoiled lol soaps were so much better back then
by Anonymous | reply 26 | May 8, 2020 7:08 AM |
R26, we sure were spoiled.
In 1984 India blackmailed Phillip Spaulding into marrying her.
He was NOT having it. He gets so frustrated he starts to put his hands around her neck after India taunts him he was responsible for Beth's blindness.
He says don't dare say her name; India says with her last gasp of air 'Beth" and then Phillip finally takes his hands off her neck.
We didn't have spoilers back then. I thought he was really going to kill her. The show was that intense. All the more impressive was their portrayers were in their early to mid 20s doing really big boy stuff.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | May 8, 2020 7:27 AM |
Did Hubbard speak English in her Dutch soap?
by Anonymous | reply 29 | May 8, 2020 8:00 AM |
They're doing a huge virtual reunion with NINE (!!!) of the females from Loving.
That's way too many people. I think that may turn into a disaster.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | May 8, 2020 9:52 AM |
There’s been another revolution in Montaga (funded by Lucinda) and formerly deceased Sierra is once again believed to be alive, leading a rebel group. Lucinda is now on the ground in Montaga, along with formerly deceased James Stenbeck, frantically attempting to hunt down her beloved daughter.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | May 8, 2020 11:11 AM |
[quote]There’s been another revolution in Montaga
Montega, querida.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | May 8, 2020 11:41 AM |
Well, I just have to ask: am I the only one who remembers that all-Lucinda episode they did one day, in which ol' Lucy had a nightmare in which every character in the show got to tell her exactly what they thought of her? Caleb, surprisingly, was the most fierce in his expression of his hatred for the old bag.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | May 8, 2020 11:43 AM |
[quote] Montega, querida.
Are you one of the rebels? Please tell me you have news about Sierra!
by Anonymous | reply 34 | May 8, 2020 11:45 AM |
[quote]Mark Collier was on tonight's Station 19. He still looks fabulous!
Not wanting to look at a Shonda shitshow, I checked him out on Netflix's "Never Have I Ever" teen comedy from Mindy Kaling. He was basically a U-5. I guess I'll have to check out Station 19. Mark Collier was one of the only reasons to watch ATWT: the Yardley Motel Years.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | May 8, 2020 2:39 PM |
R27 Definitely. Everything was so much better back then, from the acting to the writing, wardrobe, sets from what I've seen. It seems like things started to fall off in the late 90's/early 2000's as a whole. There were still some good storylines/acting here & there, but nothing like how they were in their heydays.
As for Anne Heche, not sure if anyone else can recall when she was asked back to temporarily reprise Vicky on AW when Jensen Buchanan had to take a temporary leave of absence in 1998. Anne agreed, even though her career outside of soaps was taking off, she was all for it. However, her management team thought it wouldn't be a good idea, so Cynthia Watros (who had recently left GL) stepped in.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | May 8, 2020 2:50 PM |
Chedwyn? I don'r remember that husband.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | May 8, 2020 2:51 PM |
Collier was in just 1 scene but he looked really handsome
by Anonymous | reply 38 | May 8, 2020 3:27 PM |
The Loving virtual reunion is 5/14 at 5pE
All women except for Marcantrel, The women are Beck, Bowen, Tudor, Taylor, Burr, Lotz and White.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | May 8, 2020 3:50 PM |
I don't know what the original story for Sonni/Solita was supposed to be but this is one story the writer's strike may have helped. The story was so soapy but in the best way. It had so many twists and turns. Some truly shocking. As a viewer I was so confused in a good way. The tension between Zimmer and Forbes and their characters was palatable. You really never knew where they were going with it. The acting was first rate and spun off other stories like Will/Mindy.
Sonni could have become one of the all time best characters if Michelle would have stayed on for the long haul.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | May 8, 2020 4:12 PM |
Mark Collier is joining today's ATWT reunion, girls!
by Anonymous | reply 41 | May 8, 2020 4:49 PM |
Just watched Alan Locher's chat with La Looch. Had to LOL and stop after a few seconds, because she is sitting SO far from the camera it is not even funny.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | May 8, 2020 4:50 PM |
Sonni/Solita was everything.
What was the whole deal with quasi-incest on ATWT (Holden is Lily's adoptive uncle, etc). Is that a farm thing from Marland's childhood?
by Anonymous | reply 43 | May 8, 2020 5:18 PM |
He wrote two incest/molestation stories - on Loving and ATWT (Angel Lange)
by Anonymous | reply 44 | May 8, 2020 5:36 PM |
Let us not forget Marland's racy cable soap.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 45 | May 8, 2020 7:07 PM |
[quote] Sonni/Solita was everything.
That’s one of those story lines that I remember being really into at the time. Now I only vaguely remember it.
[quote] What was the whole deal with quasi-incest on ATWT (Holden is Lily's adoptive uncle, etc). Is that a farm thing from Marland's childhood?
Iva was also adopted.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | May 8, 2020 7:14 PM |
Martha has said in several interviews that Holden/Lily weren't the plan in the beginning because Lily was too young for him. It was supposed to be Holden/Emily for the long(ish) haul. But then they saw the chemistry between Hensley and Byrne, and guess what, Iva? You were adopted! LOL.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | May 8, 2020 8:03 PM |
when did they reveal Iva was adopted? After we found out about Iva and Lily?
by Anonymous | reply 48 | May 8, 2020 8:06 PM |
R46 your post reminded me of a soap blogger who said something I thought was great: it was a really edge of your seats great story but no one actually seemed to know what the fuck it was about!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 49 | May 8, 2020 8:07 PM |
R48, it was before Lily learned that Iva was her bio-mother. Emma was kind of forced to reveal it to Iva, because Iva was going crazy about Holden and Lily's growing closeness.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | May 8, 2020 8:16 PM |
R49 Yes, the story was aided by the writers strike. The story on paper sounds cliche' standard soap stuff. But the details, the twits, the turns, all the elements, the performances, were, as this guy says, mesmerizing and there were so many jaw dropping moments that didn't feel contrived. If only Michelle Forbes could have stayed on GL and played Sonni for years and years to come. The story possibilities would have been endless but so would the chance to fuck up and ruin an iconic character. See Beth Raines.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | May 8, 2020 8:45 PM |
R^^^ Haha I meant twists and turns but maybe there were a few twits.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | May 8, 2020 8:46 PM |
Question for you smarties- why did Marland write such a similar story to GL's Bradley/Beth on ATWT with the same actor playing the stepdad/dad? Did Marland have a similar story planned for GL that maybe Long found and went with? It always struck me as strange they would go there when Bradley/Beth was so high profile.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | May 8, 2020 8:52 PM |
R51, the final, wonderful twist was Sonni’s final scene at the airport where she took out a cigarette and lit up. It turns out she may not have exorcised Solita from her psyche, after all.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | May 8, 2020 9:26 PM |
R54 YES! She had such a busy career after GL I often wonder if she would have come back for a 6 week arc how good it could have been. But honestly, that was one of the best endings she could have gotten.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | May 8, 2020 9:29 PM |
Just watched the ATWT reunion hosted by The Locher Room.
I guess I am in the minority -- I don't care to hear about what these actors are doing in quarantine. I don't need to hear about their vegetable gardens, children's lesson plans or attempts to organize closets.
I want stories and memories from their time on daytime. Wish Alan would ask questions that took the actors down memory lane...
by Anonymous | reply 56 | May 8, 2020 9:48 PM |
What we're getting is what people are VOLUNTEERING to participate in. For free.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | May 8, 2020 10:02 PM |
I thought the latest reunion was wonderful! Colleen was generous in her comments; Jen Landon was so open and real; adorable Jennifer Ferrin looks EXACTLY the same, and Mark Collier seems like the sweetest guy ever. (You know, like the kind of guy Mike SUPPOSEDLY was.)
by Anonymous | reply 58 | May 9, 2020 12:27 AM |
Mark Collier needs to sit on my face NOW
by Anonymous | reply 59 | May 9, 2020 12:58 AM |
I wish there was a montage of ATWT's bitchiest confrontations. I'm sure Lucinda, Barbara and Carly would lead the pack. Who else? Henry?
by Anonymous | reply 60 | May 9, 2020 2:24 AM |
Shannon and Margo (especially as played by HBS) could give good bitch, too, R60. Enjoy the delicious confrontation at 6:12:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 61 | May 9, 2020 2:38 AM |
Does anyone have any pictures of Mark Collier's feet?
by Anonymous | reply 62 | May 9, 2020 2:43 AM |
R62, Collier and Ferrin, on the new reunion, talk about the time that Jennifer painted Mike's toenails on the show, for no apparent reason.
It's on Youtube. I watched it maybe six months ago and was like WTF, because we all know Mike Kasnoff wouldn't be down with that. But it sounds like you might enjoy it, so happy hunting.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | May 9, 2020 2:55 AM |
The clip at R61 was from the era where HBS and CZ were fighting backstage, too. Supposedly coming to blows at least once.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | May 9, 2020 4:37 AM |
Wonderful to know that Mark has practice with feet. His new character on Y&R will be massaging mine and painting my toe nails before he fills Mrs. C with his baby batter. Katherine Chancellor will be raising a late in life baby, and I, Scoche Marin, will be raising Y&R’s ratings and winning the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | May 9, 2020 4:40 AM |
I can't see reply 66. Hmmm I wonder why. (Rhetorical of course).
by Anonymous | reply 67 | May 9, 2020 9:31 AM |
Thank you, r67 for typing "reply 66" instead of the usual "r...."
by Anonymous | reply 68 | May 9, 2020 12:12 PM |
What was the issue between Zenk and HBS?
by Anonymous | reply 69 | May 9, 2020 12:23 PM |
[quote]What was the issue between Zenk and HBS?
Isn't it simply that HBS is daytime's real-life Biggest Bitch of All Time?
by Anonymous | reply 70 | May 9, 2020 12:33 PM |
Zenk, who really loved Margaret Colin, felt shut out by HBS, Hendrickson, and Holmes, who got along really well together.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | May 9, 2020 2:23 PM |
These reunion things are really catching on. They're planning a Passions reunion too.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | May 9, 2020 2:36 PM |
[quote]Question for you smarties- why did Marland write such a similar story to GL's Bradley/Beth on ATWT with the same actor playing the stepdad/dad? Did Marland have a similar story planned for GL that maybe Long found and went with? It always struck me as strange they would go there when Bradley/Beth was so high profile.
One of the things you can tell when you are able to look a writer's career from beginning to end is patterns. I think most of the better soap writers have 3 or 4 what I call "back pocket" or "go to" storylines that they just repurpose for different characters and, if they are soap hoppers, different shows. Name a soap writer and you can probably name at least 3 or 4 stories that they are constantly retelling. A few things may change here and there, but at the core its' the exact same story. "Incest" and sexual abuse was a well that Marland kept going back to, for obvious reasons. It's filled with dramatic potential.
I always like to point to Bill Bell as someone who just wrote and rewrote the same five basic stories on Days, Y&R and B&B. And this is probably why the good/great soap writers are so good. They know what works and how to tweak it enough to make it seem somewhat fresh when grafted on to new characters.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | May 9, 2020 3:10 PM |
I sincerely doubt that Doug Marland left much of a story bible when he departed GL. Remember, he left in a huff. The show was such a mess between his departure in Sept. 1982 and Pam Long's arrival in May 1983, I sincerely doubt any of the HWs in those 8 months (and there were several different HWs, including Pat Falken Smith) were working off any kind of long-term story outline that Marland left.
I think the Beth storyline was all Pam Long. And she did recycle that storyline albeit slightly modified with the character of BJ Walker (played by Sydney Penny) during her year-long tenure on Santa Barbara in 1992 before it was canceled.
As for Marland, he told an incest storyline on Loving in 1983-84 with the character of Lilly Slater (played by Jennifer Ashe) who was being molested by her father Garth Slater.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | May 9, 2020 3:42 PM |
Opps, hit Post before I finished my idea.
The Loving incest storyline gave Marland practice for telling the incest story on ATWT. You see, the Loving storyline was aborted by order of ABC top brass. ABC planned to air a prime-time movie called Something About Amelia starring Glenn Close and Ted Danson in Jan 1984. That movie dealth with a father molesting his daughter.
ABC wanted to promote the movie as a groundbreaking television first to deal with incest. Thus, the Loving story was shutdown quickly and swept under the carpet. The Lilly character never really dealt with the long term consequences of being molested by her father.
So, on ATWT, Marland had more time to develop the storyline and also deal with the consequences.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | May 9, 2020 3:50 PM |
In case anyone is interested, there's a new DL thread about the movie Something About Amelia. It's linked below if anyone wants to check it out.
Incidentally, I did NOTstart that thread, but it's weird to have been mentioning the movie in my above post and 2 minutes later stumble across a thread about the same movie.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 76 | May 9, 2020 4:00 PM |
R74 If I remember right, Liz, one of Pat Falken Smith's brilliant ideas was to crash a truck into Company.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | May 9, 2020 4:49 PM |
r77. Sort of.
The Reardon boarding house was one of Marland's creations. He had an on-the-run Roger Thorpe hide out at the Reardon boarding house in Jan. 1980, thereby slowly introducing the Reardon family.
Then in Sept. 1982, in one of Pat Falken Smith's first shows, she had a truck that was moving a house crash into the boarding house. The house the truck was carrying fell off the truck and landed in the sideyard of the boarding house. Rather than pressing charges, the Reardons agreed to leave the house there and then Tony Reardon opened a bar in the house, calling it Tony and Company. Later, it just became Company.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | May 9, 2020 4:57 PM |
I was going to say, Marland ran the same or similar stories over again in part because he didn't get to finish them properly for one reason or another. The Willows mystery on ATWT became the Nola-Quint story became the Carolyn Crawford mystery.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | May 9, 2020 5:28 PM |
The Dobsons repeated two storylines on three different shows:
1.) Marital Rape (Roger/Holly on GL; John/Dee on ATWT; Mark/Mary on SB) 2.) Rich heir switched at birth (Phillip, GL; James, ATWT; Channing, SB)
by Anonymous | reply 80 | May 9, 2020 5:33 PM |
Yeah, almost every HW has repeated stories when they've changed shows.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | May 9, 2020 5:36 PM |
Falken-Smith created LTA (Los Tres Amigos) Oil which consisted of Mark, Amanda and Josh. There were endless episodes of them getting stuck on a boat near an oil rig during a storm. This led to Amanda getting pregnant by Mark (her mother’s husband).
by Anonymous | reply 82 | May 9, 2020 5:45 PM |
Was Josh Lewis a Marland invention or a Falken Smith one?
I remember he was a bit of a playboy when he first came on. Flirting with Nola, if I remember, among others.
Then Pam Long built the family around him - or the rest of the family, perhaps? (Thinking Trish was there in early days, too?)
by Anonymous | reply 83 | May 9, 2020 5:52 PM |
Josh was a Marland creation, he joined the show in 1981.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | May 9, 2020 7:14 PM |
I do think the Beth story was a Pam creation but it was so similar to the one on ATWT even played by the same father. I am just surprised Marland wanted to write it since the Beth storyline was so huge Keeping GL in the top 4 and briefly #1 and ATWT was also a P&G soap. It was the story that kept college students watching GL.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | May 9, 2020 8:51 PM |
R86 perhaps, but the Beth story at the time Marland did the Angel story was, 6ish years prior. And Beth wasn't even on GL (assumed death) at that time, I think.
It is weird that ATWT cast poor James Rebhorn as a molester for the second time. By all accounts Jim Rebhorn was the nicest man alive but was always a villain.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | May 9, 2020 9:33 PM |
Oh I didn't know the story was 6 years later. I thought it was '86ish. That makes more sense though casting Rebhorn again was odd. And if it was 6 years later, he had just finished his 3rd stint as Bradley on GL when Beth came back alive in '89. By his 2nd and 3rd stints, Bradley was redeemed. But Rebhorn played evil so well. He should have been nominated for the Beth story. It got Judi an Emmy.
I didn't watch ATWT so I had no idea about the timeline of the two stories.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | May 9, 2020 9:40 PM |
Rebhorn had a great career in film, TV and theater. He liked the good paycheck a soap provided and he didn’t have to work as many days as the main contract players. He also might have felt it was a psychologically interesting challenge to play a successful businessman (as Henry was) who was a child molester compared to a loser like Bradley. He definitely didn’t take the ATWT gig because he was desperate for the income.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | May 9, 2020 10:00 PM |
R88 I meant that the main focus of Bradley and the rape/molestation at GL was 1983. Bradley was rarely if ever mentioned until Beth returned in 1989.
So the piece that really focused on Phillip helping her escape Bradley was in 1983-84.
Angel arrived in Oakdale in 1988 and initially was a villainess who became involved with Caleb first, then Holden. She married Holden and then tried to keep him and Snarly Lily apart.
You saw Angel and her brothers first and then Henry was brought on later, and the revelation about Angel and her father was made then. So I think that was circa 1989. Right before or around the time Beth comes back to GL.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | May 9, 2020 10:06 PM |
Poor Alicia Coppola has resorted to doing Cameo. Someone get this woman a job, STAT!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 92 | May 9, 2020 10:11 PM |
Don't you have to have a relative level of fame or notability to do Cameo?
Alicia's lovely but.....
by Anonymous | reply 93 | May 9, 2020 10:14 PM |
Waiting patiently for pics of Mark Collier’s feets...
by Anonymous | reply 94 | May 9, 2020 11:13 PM |
R93 No, not really. Alicia IS famous compared to some of the absolute nobodies and never-weres on Cameo.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | May 9, 2020 11:21 PM |
"Angel arrived in Oakdale in 1988 and initially was a villainess who became involved with Caleb first, then Holden."
Angel was never a "villianess." She first appeared as a victim of Caleb's cynicism and opportunism, and she married Holden because she was crushed after feeling forced to abort Caleb's child. And when Holden went back to Lily, she was just kind of like, "Yeah, I figured as much. Well, be happy!"
If anything, I was annoyed at Angel's passivity.
by Anonymous | reply 96 | May 9, 2020 11:23 PM |
R29 Yes, Hubbard's character, "Sair Alexander", was American and spoke English with Dutch subtitles. Here's an example. Scene starts at 1:17.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 97 | May 9, 2020 11:30 PM |
[quote] Angel was never a "villianess."
You're right, that was a strong term, but she was a kink in the smooth sailing for a while, and she was briefly a villain with Holden/Lily (refusing to grant Holden a divorce) until the revelations about her mental state came out.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | May 9, 2020 11:43 PM |
Alice Haining was very touching when Angel was on the witness stand and the whole awful truth came out.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | May 10, 2020 12:45 AM |
Thanks, R97!
Alan Locher said he’d never seen Liz on the Dutch soap, well, now’s his chance. I think he lurks here.
by Anonymous | reply 100 | May 10, 2020 12:47 AM |
Beth/Bradley was such a visceral story but was primarily about young, intense love.
That Thanksgiving scene where Beth mouths off to Bradley was uncomfortable to watch.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | May 10, 2020 12:50 AM |
I started visiting the Netherlands in 2016 and tried GTST several times but just couldn’t get into it-the cast in general seemed so bland. However last Christmas/New Years I got pulled in despite not knowing the language. The cast seemed much sharper and distinct. I’m sort of fascinated by a 17 year old newcomer who plays Merel, her name’s Sophie Bouquet and although her acting needs work her look is fabulous and she could have a future in films-she starts appearing at around 1:35. The beginning of the clip features a character named Lana who I think was inspired by Lily on ATWT (which was a big hit in the Netherlands):
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 102 | May 10, 2020 1:09 AM |
Didn't Angel wind up with Seth? So she had all three Snyder brothers? It was the same with Craig, who bagged Iva, Ellie and Meg.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | May 10, 2020 4:00 AM |
The whole family shared sex partners, r102:
John was with Emma and Iva Kirk was with Ellie and Iva Dusty was with Meg and Lily Julie was with Holden and Caleb
by Anonymous | reply 104 | May 10, 2020 4:36 AM |
There was a time when Lily was being stalked and it looked like an unbalanced Angel was behind it.
Lily picks up the phone and the camera cuts to a darkened room with Angel in partial light; 'Lily.....' Angel said and it was really chilling.
Angel finally found love with the oldest Snyder brother Seth, proving she was Oakdale's Reva Shayne when it came to marrying within a family.
by Anonymous | reply 105 | May 10, 2020 5:43 AM |
Got around to watching Alan’s Santos reunion. It was really great. Such good stories. Went straight on Instagram to see Bethany Joy Lenz’ showtunes thing. Saundra Santiago’s comments about the Santos family’s potential being wasted was interesting but they WERE a mob family so I think they still went pretty far.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | May 10, 2020 6:09 AM |
Jordi was hot when he was on GL but hot damn he grew into a smokin' hot papi. His looks are my ideal man & he seems like a really good guy. Saundra looked amazing. If she's had surgery I want her doc's name.
WTH happened to Father Reyes? He used to be a handsome guy. I wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a line up.
by Anonymous | reply 107 | May 10, 2020 8:19 AM |
Yeah, George Alvarez has aged badly. He was a bartender at Studio 54 so I guess all that drug taking caught up with him.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | May 10, 2020 7:45 PM |
The Daytime Cares thingy - I haven't watched it all but apparently from comments Kim and Robert sang and people really liked it.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 109 | May 10, 2020 7:55 PM |
I've never seen the OLTL episodes that Elizabeth Hubbard appeared in between The Doctors and ATWT. Apparently, she played a snobby society matron name Estelle Chadwick. Letting her slip through their fingers was a big mistake. If OLTL, hadn't been cancelled I wonder if they would have done like they did with Kim Zimmer and Linda Dano, after GL and AW was cancelled, and brought her back as her old largely forgotten character.
by Anonymous | reply 110 | May 10, 2020 8:02 PM |
I’d rather have seen her play Dr. Althea on OLTL.
by Anonymous | reply 111 | May 10, 2020 8:29 PM |
Thanks for mentioning her name R99 Alice Haining, who also briefly portrayed recast Liza Colby on AMC in the 80's. Couldn't remember it the other day & forgot to look it up. Who was that Marcy character on ATWT in the early 90's if I'm not mistaken, was she trying to come between Julie & Caleb? Briefly recall Julie's older kids Pete (Jason Biggs lol) & Jenny. When Aaron conceived, who was Lily with?
by Anonymous | reply 112 | May 10, 2020 8:49 PM |
Lily and Holden we’re heading toward a reunion but she was also fooling around with Linc Lafferty. They had some disagreement and he got drunk at the Mona Lisa, where Julie was working as a hostess. Caleb and Julie were separated at the time. One thing led to another and Julie slept with a drunken Holden.
by Anonymous | reply 113 | May 10, 2020 9:06 PM |
Toni sulked to Lucinda that she was still friendly with Barbara Ryan after Lucy found out about Tonio and Babs' affair. Tonio would face Lucy's wrath over this without warning.
Tonio: "Why are you so friendly with Barbara Ryan?"
Lucinda (INCENSED) : "I like her! She's pretty! I like her!"
by Anonymous | reply 114 | May 10, 2020 10:41 PM |
I loved the story Maura and Shawn told about their ATWT days. I'd kill to see that episode on Youtube.
by Anonymous | reply 115 | May 10, 2020 10:47 PM |
That was a great one, R114, LOL! Pure Lucinda. And she told Barbara, "It's not that you DID it, but to be SO indiscreet, my dear!"
by Anonymous | reply 116 | May 11, 2020 2:16 AM |
Thanks R113 that name Linc Lafferty rings a bell, forgot all about him. Now I'm remembering Hutch Hutchinson & Sharon Case's character, Debbie wasn't it? Their love scenes were hot lol
by Anonymous | reply 117 | May 11, 2020 2:42 AM |
How many kids did Emma have, six? Was Iva her oldest who turned out to be adopted, or was Seth oldest? There was some sort of casting rumor/fan fiction in one of those old soap magazines (in the early to mid 90's) where Reiko Aylesworth (Rebecca, OLTL) was considered as a long-lost child of Emma's due to her having somewhat of an resemblance to Kathleen Widdoes.
by Anonymous | reply 118 | May 11, 2020 2:52 AM |
I think this is the birth order of the Snyder kids:
Iva (adopted) Seth Ellie Holden Caleb Meg
by Anonymous | reply 119 | May 11, 2020 3:12 AM |
Who the hell decided that "Hutch Hutchinson" was a good soap name?
by Anonymous | reply 120 | May 11, 2020 4:01 AM |
No doubt Linc, Holden and Hutch were some kind of Marland farm fantasy. He was born and raised on a farm, so those were probably the kind of men he lusted over in his youth.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | May 11, 2020 4:03 AM |
I never liked As The World Turns because all the names were so farmy - Linc, Hutch, Cal, etc. They all blended together for me. Also I'm the only person in the world that thinks Carly was a boring character.
by Anonymous | reply 122 | May 11, 2020 4:54 AM |
I've heard Carly called many things, but boring wasn't one of them.
by Anonymous | reply 123 | May 11, 2020 5:19 AM |
I've heard Carly called many things, but boring wasn't one of them.
by Anonymous | reply 124 | May 11, 2020 5:19 AM |
On a show with such complicated family trees already, why add Snyder cousins with Jack, brad, et al. Seems like the 4 Snyder kids you listed above were plenty.
This show was so confusing with the walshes, dixons, and Hughes. Did we need more Snyders? If so, couldn’t they just be siblings and not cousins?
by Anonymous | reply 125 | May 11, 2020 5:40 AM |
R119. it was Seth, Iva, Ellie, Caleb (or Caleb, then Ellie), then Holden, then Meg.
Believe it or not, when Caleb was introduced initially there were references that had Holden being intimidated by his 'hotter' older brother.
I think they were looking to find someone hotter than Hensley when casting Caleb. In Caleb's early days, he was wearing cowboy boots strutting around, trying to butch it up.
It was weird. The writing didn't match the casting.
by Anonymous | reply 126 | May 11, 2020 5:45 AM |
"I think they were looking to find someone hotter than Hensley when casting Caleb."
Well, they found him, IMO.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | May 11, 2020 1:55 PM |
[quote]On a show with such complicated family trees already, why add Snyder cousins with Jack, brad, et al.
Exactly. Michael Park should simply have played the new Caleb. Was it MADD/FMB who decided to extend it out to "cousin"?
by Anonymous | reply 128 | May 11, 2020 2:02 PM |
Anyone have a link to the scene where Jennifer painted Mike's toes or any links to any see where you can see John Hensley's feet?
by Anonymous | reply 129 | May 11, 2020 2:26 PM |
Big thanks to whoever was casting the Marland farm fantasy 🔥 in the 80s/ 90s. Those actors all delivered smoldering looks, raw acting chops and God-sculpted physiques. They don’t make them like they used to -- modern-day heartthrobs are all bland and perfectly waxed. I miss those boys from back in the day…
We thank Marland himself for Jon Hensley. Jon created a version of the smoldering sexed-up bad boy not seen on other 80s soaps.
Juicy Judson Mills scored as Hutch Hutchinson (I loved the name) then briefly got fully naked in Gods & Monsters. Even Regis fawned over his body on morning TV.
The original Linc Lafferty James Wlcek possessed the best chest on daytime. His pecs — first uncovered on Ryan’s Hope — reached new heights of puffery. He’s a cop in LA now.
Before Days of Our Lives, sculpted Shawn Christian sexed up blue collar Mike Casnoff.
And although on the skinnier side, Michael David Morrison (Caleb) smoldered in his own version of sexy. His personal demons likely fueled his angry bad boy take on Caleb Snyder. His replacement couldn’t have been more bland, but admittedly Michael was irreplaceable. For sure someone on DL has some stories of MDM from his NYC party days !?!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 130 | May 11, 2020 3:39 PM |
Jon Hensley had an extra layer of something going on. He seriously looked like a porn star.
by Anonymous | reply 131 | May 11, 2020 3:42 PM |
Michael David Morrison... gay?
by Anonymous | reply 132 | May 11, 2020 3:44 PM |
Michael David Morrison....dead.
by Anonymous | reply 133 | May 11, 2020 3:45 PM |
Michael David Morrison....can't both be true?
by Anonymous | reply 134 | May 11, 2020 3:47 PM |
In the old days of DL when we had those soap insiders (I guess) posting they would post about Marland's feet parties and Doug's personal casting couch for all those hot guys that were cast in the 80s and all of this other stuff. I don't know how true it was but it was fascinating reading.
by Anonymous | reply 135 | May 11, 2020 4:01 PM |
Hays & Hastings are doing a reunion this Friday!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 136 | May 11, 2020 4:22 PM |
I wonder if Maura would let Scott out to reune with Kim and Bob. And invite Johnny Boy Dixon, too.
by Anonymous | reply 137 | May 11, 2020 4:25 PM |
Interesting article....suggests there was an extra scene cut for time in the ATWT finale with Lisa and Bob.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 138 | May 11, 2020 4:31 PM |
R54 I'll watch "Station 19" on Primetime, what part did Mark play?
by Anonymous | reply 139 | May 11, 2020 4:36 PM |
Elizabeth Hubbard was interviewed earlier in the year by Retro TV with nearly a dozen cast members from "The Doctors" (among them Kim Zimmer, Jada Rowland and Anna Stuart), describing Althea Davis as "a decent lady but always making the wrong decisions"). She still looks fantastic at 87! Althea and Lucinda were the complete antithesis of each other which is why I'm sure she loved being cast as a ruthless businesswoman over a noble but determined to be perfect doctor. Episodes of "The Doctors" that I've seen show Althea as being very similar to many 1930's movie heroines, while Lucinda was tougher 1940's/50's style. Althea was sob sister story; Lucinda was film noir.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | May 11, 2020 5:17 PM |
R138, Goutman should have insisted that scene be in.
Who cares about Janet Spumoni giving birth to a meatball.
by Anonymous | reply 142 | May 11, 2020 6:47 PM |
r141 is Janey Cobb. Love it, love it, love it.
by Anonymous | reply 143 | May 11, 2020 7:13 PM |
If the show had not gone off the air, Christopher Goutman was going to bring me in as a Nancy Hughes recast. The character would not have died.
by Anonymous | reply 144 | May 11, 2020 7:16 PM |
Was Michael David Morrison’s death a suicide or an accidental overdose?
by Anonymous | reply 145 | May 11, 2020 7:41 PM |
Michael died February 18 and Douglas Marland died less than three weeks later. Very sad.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | May 11, 2020 10:33 PM |
And a few weeks after those two died they fired Joseph Breen-what was the real story there?
by Anonymous | reply 149 | May 11, 2020 11:56 PM |
R149 Breen was outed by the National Enquirer as having HIV.
by Anonymous | reply 150 | May 11, 2020 11:59 PM |
I get that r150, but this was two years after Magic Johnson came out as HIV+, and over 10 years into the pandemic-I would’ve thought there would be bigger reason like he was difficult to work with
by Anonymous | reply 151 | May 12, 2020 12:03 AM |
You would think it wouldn't be an issue, but it was.
And that was 4 years before Michael Zaslow was fired.
by Anonymous | reply 152 | May 12, 2020 12:06 AM |
R152 I have to say I have always been upset at how P&G treated Michael Zaslow, and thankful to ABC/OLTL for allowing him to keep working, until he couldn't, to help pay for his treatments and to provide for his family.
by Anonymous | reply 153 | May 12, 2020 12:11 AM |
There's a whole "WHET Billy Magnussen" thread. Of course you are welcome to visit it if you like, but I wanted to share this particular post, as it has some tidbits on it from someone who is claiming to know Billy.
**************** It was a long time ago but from what I remember is he would pretend to like a person and try to get close to them to get them to stage fan events for him, get people to hang outside the studio to treat him like he was the biggest star around. Most of those who came for a few bucks didn't have any idea who he was. He said for them to act like teen girls acted when they saw the Beatles, you know scream and rush to him and beg for autographs, shit like that. Those were some of the milder things. He was said to be a real shit to other actors and crew, not at first but he quickly thought he was god's gift to acting, he was not liked. Add in that it was said he would fuck anyone, male or female if he thought could help his career but that is probably typical of many people, fucking to get ahead in their chosen career. Once he got what he could from someone he would cut them dead, I guess what they now call ghosting. There might have been some other little things but those bigger ones is what I remember. He was not liked, that much I remember.
Keep in mind he was, at that time, an actor on a soap, taped in Brooklyn. He acted like he was huge star. That alone probably pissed off people.
The only other interesting thing I remember from that time is that the actor Roger Howarth had a hot raging affair with some actress on the show and got them to break up another popular paring he was having at the time to make this actress' character his love interest on the show and she was a sucky actress by all reports. She also would walk around the set naked. Nothing interesting was said about anyone else on the show other than some actor, I can't remember his name either, was a religious right nut and pissed off everyone trying to convert them. I really didn't watch the show myself. I tried a couple of times and couldn't really get into it.
by Anonymous | reply 154 | May 12, 2020 4:49 PM |
"She also would walk around the set naked."
Helen Wagner???
by Anonymous | reply 155 | May 12, 2020 5:22 PM |
[quote] How did Michelle Forbes not win an Emmy for Sonni/Solita?
Because Julia Barr (All My Children) BEAT HER
by Anonymous | reply 156 | May 12, 2020 5:24 PM |
Michelle should have won in 1989 for the work done in 1988.
I think Debbi Morgan and Nancy Lee Grahn TIED in 1989 for Supporting.
Back in the 80s, there was tons of great work being done.
Keep in mind actors don't actually watch each other's work if they're on another network.
Bergman, Heather Tom, HB Smith, and Zimmer are the only four I know of who can talk about actors on other shows and their work.
by Anonymous | reply 157 | May 12, 2020 5:28 PM |
[quote] other than some actor, I can't remember his name either, was a religious right nut and pissed off everyone trying to convert them.
That is Austin Peck, and Chris Goutman should NEVER have hired him based on his reputation as being a religious zealot behind the scenes at Days of our Lives.
I think he converted Teri Conn, as previously she never once mentioned anything religious - but now that they are married, she drops scripture every chance she gets.
by Anonymous | reply 158 | May 12, 2020 5:29 PM |
[quote] I think Debbi Morgan and Nancy Lee Grahn TIED in 1989 for Supporting.
It is possible that Debbi Morgan and Nancy Lee Grahn could have split the vote and allowed Michelle to come up the middle HAD Michelle been nominated
But frankly there is NO WAY anyone could have beaten Debbi Morgan with her episodes dealing with Jesse's death. Those scenes were just too powerful
And if Michelle submitted in the best actress category, no way she would have beaten Marcy Walker with her rape episodes.
by Anonymous | reply 159 | May 12, 2020 5:31 PM |
Blind item about Billy Magnussen
[quote] Add in that it was said he would fuck anyone, male or female if he thought could help his career but that is probably typical of many people, fucking to get ahead in their chosen career. Once he got what he could from someone he would cut them dead,
So for sure he has slept his way to the top, as he has gotten more A-list work than any other actor in his age group at As The World Turns.
by Anonymous | reply 160 | May 12, 2020 5:37 PM |
I worked on the crew of a film Magnussen did and he was a cold fish. One of the make-up guys loathed him-Magnussen treated anybody who wasn’t the director or fellow principal actors like the dirt under his show. He’s had a good career so far and he’s certainly talented but I highly doubt he’ll ever be the huge star he’s aspired to be.
by Anonymous | reply 161 | May 12, 2020 6:09 PM |
I meant “dirt under his shoe,” obviously. Heh heh.
by Anonymous | reply 162 | May 12, 2020 6:10 PM |
Today Locher had stars on from Marland-era GL…was one of his better shows. These actors hadn’t previously worked with Locher — their stints pre-dated his work on the show. The distance made the interview a bit more professional and Locher tee-ed them up to remember GL when it was winning Emmys for show and writing.
Lots of respect for Lisa Brown. Elvera and Jerry both spoke about Charita Bauer. Denise Pence was very outspoken and railed against the GL brass for not supporting Zaslow during his illness.
They all seem to realize (and miss) what a good gig GL was.
I tuned into the Passions reunion briefly — a shit show. Way too many people on…
by Anonymous | reply 163 | May 13, 2020 12:00 AM |
R156 She didn't DESERVE TO. No one can convince me anybody was better than Michelle Forbes' tour de force performance as Sonni/Solita. The performance was so unusual, so memorable, so intense, it is talked about with amazement by the soap press, fans, critics to this day.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | May 13, 2020 12:32 AM |
R163 Is there a link to watch it? TIA
by Anonymous | reply 165 | May 13, 2020 12:33 AM |
R165 The Locher interviews end up on his youtube channel.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 166 | May 13, 2020 12:44 AM |
R164 You are wrong. Julia Barr always gave great performances, both of her Emmys were well deserved, in fact the scandal is that she only received two and never for lead actress.
by Anonymous | reply 167 | May 13, 2020 1:44 AM |
R167 I'm going to have to disagree here too. Michelle should have won. Julia was not better than her. Not by far.
by Anonymous | reply 168 | May 13, 2020 1:46 AM |
R163 Did anyone ask why Lisa wasn't there?
I find it very curious she hasn't been and have a few theories as to why.
by Anonymous | reply 169 | May 13, 2020 1:56 AM |
There will be no argument about my Daytime Emmy win next year for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for resurrecting the role of Katherine Chancellor in a tour-de-force performance on CBS’s The Young and the Restless.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 171 | May 13, 2020 1:59 AM |
R170 Nothing too scandalous.
Professionally, I wondered if she's got some beef with P&G.
I also tried to interview her eons ago, and I gathered from that experience that her new husband is not particularly supportive of her past as an actress. I imagine an unpaid thing like this would be a big no, from him or her or both.
by Anonymous | reply 172 | May 13, 2020 2:00 AM |
R168 With the Daytime Emmys, it really comes down to the strength of the reel that the person submits. As far as I kind find on youtube, Michelle Forbes' reel isn't on there, but Julia Barr's is and it is very good. Forbes wouldn't be the first daytime actor to screw themselves over by not submitting the best reel. Barr is also helped by the fact that the majority of her reel is with the great David Canary, who was already an Emmy favorite.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 173 | May 13, 2020 2:22 AM |
I loved David Canary, he deserved a few of his Emmys, but with him and others like Peter Bergman, it got to the point where if they farted, they got an Emmy for it.
by Anonymous | reply 174 | May 13, 2020 2:25 AM |
R173 I meant "As far as I can" not kind.
by Anonymous | reply 175 | May 13, 2020 2:27 AM |
And Michelle's reel was with Zimmer.
by Anonymous | reply 176 | May 13, 2020 2:34 AM |
That's interesting about Lisa Brown. She got married during that late 90's stint on GL, where the character of Nola was so horribly misused. Lurking in bushes and stalking Buzz. So dumb. That was also around the time that the wardrobe budget went to shit, and they stopped dressing Nola in really eccentric outfits that had always been such a part of the character. I remember one particularly bad brown baggy blouse and slack combo that looked like a sofa cover. She wore it often.
She also returned briefly in 2009 when the show ended, so if there was some issue with P&G or with her husband, it didn't stop her from returning briefly to bid the show goodbye.
by Anonymous | reply 177 | May 13, 2020 2:57 AM |
No one deserved Emmys more than Bev McKinsey. But yes, Michelle deserved one. I hate to sound hyperbolic but her portrayal was searing.
by Anonymous | reply 178 | May 13, 2020 3:09 AM |
The best Emmy reel ever was Maura West's, which won her her first Lead Actress award. That's the one where Jack catches her in some lie and leaves her. Maura goes through every emotion that exists, from denial, to humor, to desperation to pleading to anger. A real tour de force.
Michael Morrison's death was shocking on ATWT. Aside from Ben Hendrickson's suicide, were there any other non-natural cause deaths on ATWT?
by Anonymous | reply 179 | May 13, 2020 3:29 AM |
The best Emmy reel ever was Maura West's, which won her her first Lead Actress award. That's the one where Jack catches her in some lie and leaves her. Maura goes through every emotion that exists, from denial, to humor, to desperation to pleading to anger. A real tour de force.
Michael Morrison's death was shocking on ATWT. Aside from Ben Hendrickson's suicide, were there any other non-natural cause deaths on ATWT?
by Anonymous | reply 180 | May 13, 2020 3:29 AM |
what is really strange about the 70s Guiding Light reunion is that John Wesley Shipp said he wanted to participate, but for some reason Alan Locher didn't invite him
In terms of Lisa Brown, she has officially retired from acting and maybe she just doesn't want to be seen on any type of video anymore.
by Anonymous | reply 181 | May 13, 2020 3:36 AM |
That is strange about JWS.
by Anonymous | reply 182 | May 13, 2020 3:37 AM |
The problem with Michelle Forbes losing
She WAS NOT nominated during the time she played Sonni/Solita
When she was nominated in 1990 for Supporting (for the year in 1989), the Sonni/Solita storyline had already ended. She was back to playing the level-headed Dr. Sonni
So the only scenes she could submit was being accused of kidnapping Marah. Contrast that with Julia Barr tape of being betrayed by Adam, and there is no contest
Forbes had a weak tape, that is why she lost.
by Anonymous | reply 183 | May 13, 2020 3:40 AM |
R183 We don't know all of what Forbes submitted. 1989 was the climax of Sonni/Solita. Who knows why they showed the clip they did at the Emmys. They don't always show the reel submitted.
by Anonymous | reply 184 | May 13, 2020 3:52 AM |
[quote] 1989 was the climax of Sonni/Solita
They could only submit scenes from March 1989 to March 1990
The Sonni/Solita was finished by then
by Anonymous | reply 185 | May 13, 2020 3:57 AM |
R186 I have the 1990 Emmy Book in front of me
It states very clearly they could only submit episodes that aired from March 1989 to March 1990
The Sonni/Solita storyline was over by then.
by Anonymous | reply 187 | May 13, 2020 4:05 AM |
It was technically over by then but it played out for a few more months. Sonni (or was she Solita?) had memory loss. I'm not sure about the Emmy timelines though.
by Anonymous | reply 189 | May 13, 2020 4:09 AM |
David Canary, Cady McClain and Julia Barr all won Emmys for that same storyline and Barr and Canary submitted the same tape. The "who fathered Dixie's baby" was one of the best stories AMC ever did. There was no shame for Forbes to lose that year.
by Anonymous | reply 190 | May 13, 2020 4:14 AM |
[quote] No it wasn't.
Michelle Forbes FIRST appearance in April of 1989 (he character was in the loony bin the entire month of March) - where she is playing SONNI and apologizes to Alex for her split personality but says she is NORMAL now and is SONNI
go 10:00 minutes into video
So again BY MARCH when the eligibility period started for 1990 the Sonni/Solita storyline was OVER
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 191 | May 13, 2020 4:20 AM |
Forbes was involved in one of GL's greatest stories of all time. A story which resonates with people to this day. It was that different. I agree with the poster who says no one could top Michelle though it appears the story was over by the timeline stated whether that was the actual timeline or not.
by Anonymous | reply 192 | May 13, 2020 4:21 AM |
[quote] What is really strange about the 70s Guiding Light reunion is that John Wesley Shipp said he wanted to participate, but for some reason Alan Locher didn't invite him
Where did JWS say that?
by Anonymous | reply 193 | May 13, 2020 4:38 AM |
[quote] And Michelle's reel was with Zimmer.
That could be a problem. There are actors who if you share a scene with them they can elevate you, Canary was one, and there are other actors, who no matter how wonderful you are, dominate the scene. Zimmer is one of those actors. If as the other posts have stated her big storyline wasn't in the eligibility period and her reel was with Zimmer, it makes total sense that she lost that year to Barr.
I wish Star Trek: TNG had used her more as Ensign Ro, I really liked her character. They were going to make her a lead character on Star Trek: DS9 but she turned them down because she didn't want to commit full-time to a series.
by Anonymous | reply 194 | May 13, 2020 4:42 AM |
The people that vote for the winner’s are strange. They’ll repeat vote Erika Slezak, Tony Geary, David Canary and Kim Zimmer. Then they’ll throw in a huge unexpected curveball with Laurie Heineman. Now who saw her win coming?
by Anonymous | reply 195 | May 13, 2020 4:43 AM |
[quote] Where did JWS say that?
He heard about the reunion and said YES sign me up! I'd love to do it
And he never heard from Locher again
by Anonymous | reply 196 | May 13, 2020 4:47 AM |
fun fact- Calista Flockhart played Marah's babysitter during the kidnapping story-line where Sonni was framed for it by Will
by Anonymous | reply 197 | May 13, 2020 4:50 AM |
R194 But Zimmer did not dominate Forbes. To watch them together was a fucking treat. You could see the shift in acting as they interacted. It was one of the most interesting times on GL. Those two going at it was, MARY, electric.
by Anonymous | reply 198 | May 13, 2020 4:54 AM |
R196 WHERE did he say this?
by Anonymous | reply 199 | May 13, 2020 4:54 AM |
one of the soap mags, IN DEPTH, I think; did an interview with Pam Long when GL went off the air and they showed a nice pic of Zaslow and Forbes; Long's quote read something like: "I knew the (original Sonni) story was working when Zimmer got Jealous!"
I think the Daytime Emmys are great in that the community comes together but at the end of the day, it all comes down to opinions. I met a guy who voted for Supporting Actress in the 2000s one year and he said he chose an actress "because she was nice to me when I worked on the show." (And she WON; ug.) She IS nice, but she's not good and hasn't worked much since. You can probably figure out who it is.)
Jane Elliot or Beverlee McKinsey could step on my foot in a scene if I were an extra and I'd still vote for either of them.
I can't believe that for all the Emmys GL has -- Zimmer, Chappell, Jordan Clarke, Pelphrey, Melissa Hayden, Tognoni, Maeve, Ellen Parker, Larry Gates, Jerry verDorn, Zaslow -- that the following DON"T have Emmys: Grant Aleksander, Maureen Garrett, Peter Simon, Mary Kay Adams, and Beverlee McKinsey.
Awards are great. I would have given Linda Gray a Prime Time Emmy Supporting Actress nod for Sue Ellen's eulogy of JR, but there was no way a TNT cable show was going to get in at the Emmys up against all the streaming stuff.
What matters is I think it's good; and what matters is the people you think are good are good.
by Anonymous | reply 201 | May 13, 2020 6:54 AM |
it's weird the emmys used to be march to march; now they're January to December.
How old are we all that we can recall with such clarity a story from 30 years ago?
Here's a nice fan package on Sonni.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 202 | May 13, 2020 7:08 AM |
[quote]How old are we all that we can recall with such clarity a story from 30 years ago?
Well, I admit to being 29. Have been admitting it for years.
by Anonymous | reply 203 | May 13, 2020 7:25 AM |
Scoche Marin IS Sonni and Solita!!
by Anonymous | reply 204 | May 13, 2020 8:20 AM |
It chaps my ass that La Bev never won an Emmy but what really infuriates me is that the Emmys refused to give her a Lifetime Achievement Award. Fuck them!
by Anonymous | reply 205 | May 13, 2020 3:22 PM |
R205 Yes, that burns my saddle too.
by Anonymous | reply 206 | May 13, 2020 4:14 PM |
And she was never nominated. Yet Lucci, a far, far inferior actress, was nominated for decades.
Grant Aleksander is egregious as well.
by Anonymous | reply 207 | May 13, 2020 4:43 PM |
[quote] And she was never nominated.
You need to be nominated by your peers - her own co-star Kim Zimmer racked up more nominations than Bev
Even Bev's replacement Marj Dusay got a nomination playing Alex
Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe Bev decided NOT to submit herself for a nomination? Not every actor views awards the same way. Some just don't like the idea of acting as a competition, like a sporting event.
by Anonymous | reply 208 | May 13, 2020 4:47 PM |
Bev didn't nominate herself for a long time, but she was convinced to submit the Roger at the Country Club scenes, which were really among the best scenes GL and Bev ever did.
For them not to be nominated is a T R A V E S T Y.
by Anonymous | reply 209 | May 13, 2020 5:00 PM |
Who were nominated that year because I can not wrap my head around anyone being better that year.
by Anonymous | reply 210 | May 13, 2020 5:08 PM |
And add to the overlooked list of GL actors LISA BROWN !! She was not even nominated for Nola Reardon. Her confrontation with John Wesley Shipp over the paternity of her baby was a master class. And yet...NOTHING !
by Anonymous | reply 211 | May 13, 2020 5:13 PM |
[quote] but she was convinced to submit the Roger at the Country Club scenes, which were really among the best scenes GL and Bev ever did.
That aired in July of 1991 - which means the nomination would only be eligible for the 1992 awards
by Anonymous | reply 212 | May 13, 2020 5:27 PM |
In her exit interview (her one and ONLY interview) she claims she was "relieved" NOT to be nominated for the Emmy (for the Roger Country Club Scenes)
"There are some people there who don't like me at all. But there are a lot who really do. I had a really strong year and they felt, as you did, about the Emmy situation [Note: Like many in the industry, I was outraged that McKinsey did not receive an Emmy nomination for the 1991-92 season and said so in print]. But I can tell you now that I was relieved not to be nominated. By the time they were announced, I was contemplating going. So when I didn't get nominated, I thought, 'Oh, thank God' because how would you leave your show if you had an Emmy in your hand? They'd say that was really tacky. 'She won and she walked.' This way, I didn't have the burden of that. I didn't want it to appear that I took the goodies and ran. When the nominations came out, I thought, 'It's meant to be like this.'"
She also said in the interview she was thinking about quitting back in February and finally did quit when she contractually could in August of that same year,
by Anonymous | reply 213 | May 13, 2020 5:38 PM |
I wonder who treated her badly that she felt she needed to leave.
by Anonymous | reply 214 | May 13, 2020 5:50 PM |
ABC is apparently running a special next week on, of all things, soap operas.
I hope it's a decent show, but I never have much hope for these sorts of things.
by Anonymous | reply 215 | May 13, 2020 7:34 PM |
It was Jill Farren Phelps r214. McKinsey didn’t like the embittered tone the character was taking and expressed her dissatisfaction to Phelps who ignored her
by Anonymous | reply 216 | May 13, 2020 8:20 PM |
Alex was never a Girl Scout, but she definitely veered into Cruella de Ville territory with the Nick/Mindy story.
by Anonymous | reply 217 | May 13, 2020 8:22 PM |
[quote] she definitely veered into Cruella de Ville territory with the Nick/Mindy story.
In the same interview she said it was character "assassination" and said that she could have dealt with the change in character. But what she could not deal with was the hours and they were getting longer and longer, and she was just too tired to do it anymore.
by Anonymous | reply 218 | May 13, 2020 8:26 PM |
I'll post the interview that R213 is talking about.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 219 | May 13, 2020 8:29 PM |
R215 It is produced by ABC and People, sadly for many on this board P&G doesn't seem to be well represented, if at all. Of course the ABC soaps are, as are Y&R, B&B, and DAYS.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 220 | May 13, 2020 10:43 PM |
R221 If they did it would be about 75% Y&R, 20% B&B, and maybe 5% for everything else.
by Anonymous | reply 222 | May 13, 2020 10:54 PM |
Many talk about the writing for GL in 1985-87 and how the show really suffered. I think part of that was characters. There were a lot of dull characters or maybe a better way to put it is there was a lack of really great characters.
by Anonymous | reply 223 | May 13, 2020 11:13 PM |
R223, it was those fucking awful storylines. The Samson Girl and especially the Infinity storylines. Man, I hated them.
by Anonymous | reply 224 | May 14, 2020 12:02 AM |
Yeah, between Pam Long 1 and Pam Long stint 2 there was a lot of cooks in the kitchen trying to goose the ratings. The stories R224 mentioned were obviously meant to mirror GH/DAYS.
by Anonymous | reply 225 | May 14, 2020 12:10 AM |
Wasn't Infinity at least a little interesting? I wouldn't call it boring. Some of the other stuff was pretty boring.
by Anonymous | reply 226 | May 14, 2020 12:37 AM |
Though Maeve Kinkead didn't see eye to eye with Pam Long, she was even UNHAPPIER with the writing regimens between Pam Long and even QUIT for a year, before being lured back by of all people Pam Long
by Anonymous | reply 227 | May 14, 2020 12:39 AM |
[quote]Many talk about the writing for GL in 1985-87 and how the show really suffered. I think part of that was characters. There were a lot of dull characters or maybe a better way to put it is there was a lack of really great characters.
I disagree. If the characters were dull, its largely because the writers weren't putting much effort into them.
A perfect example is what happened in late 1990/early 1991. Suddenly, Reva was gone, presumed dead, while Josh, Phillip, Beth and Rick all left town. These characters had eaten up at least 50% of the airtime.
So, writers started focusing on lesser characters. Suddenly, Ross, who had been a supporting character throughout the 80s, was made a leading man. Lillian got her own storyline for the first time. Frank Cooper suddenly was part of a major storyline as part of a love triangle with Alan Michael and Eleani.
I'd considered Ross, Lillian, Frank and others to be very boring characters throughout the 80s. But suddenly, they were fascinating. It's all about the writing.
by Anonymous | reply 228 | May 14, 2020 12:43 AM |
The Sonni/Reva scenes in this episode are absolutely riveting. It would have been so easy for a lesser actress to be completely over the top, but the legendary Michelle Forbes is on point.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 229 | May 14, 2020 2:18 AM |
GL wins Best Show and Best Writing at the 1982 Emmys, despite no acting nominations.
Doug lavishes Agnes Nixon with praise in his victory speech.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 230 | May 14, 2020 3:18 AM |
Frank fucking Cooper was NEVER fascinating. He was just...there....the entire time he was on.
by Anonymous | reply 231 | May 14, 2020 3:34 AM |
[quote] Frank fucking Cooper was NEVER fascinating. He was just...there....the entire time he was on.
And Frank Dicopolous said he was SO GRATEFUL that they made his character a cop, which meant more job security for him, as the town always needed a cop in the cast
by Anonymous | reply 232 | May 14, 2020 3:36 AM |
Frank Cooper was pretty and sometimes that's all you really needed a character to be.
by Anonymous | reply 233 | May 14, 2020 3:43 AM |
[quote] The Sonni/Reva scenes in this episode are absolutely riveting.
This episode Sonni/Reva and struggling on a bridge that is about to fall. It was SO riveting, that GL submitted this episode for the 1989 Emmys for Best Writing
They lost to Santa Barbara for the episode where Julia & Mason get married
Go to 9:45 into video where the scene begins
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 234 | May 14, 2020 3:44 AM |
R230 The Daytime Emmys should have never moved out of daytime.
by Anonymous | reply 235 | May 14, 2020 3:59 AM |
The actor playing Frank was a terrible actor and that did hurt. And he was dull. He worked in certain situations, though.
Michelle and Kim were so great in those scenes. Those were the highest quality scenes acting wise.
The Sonni/Solita story was confusing but in a good way. It is hard to explain exactly what the hell actually happened but again in a good way. It was a true mind fuck. The fact most fans struggle to explain it while being captivated by it is a testament to the quality. It would not have worked without the highest quality in acting from Kim and Michelle. Alan, can you get them for a GL reunion? Please?
by Anonymous | reply 236 | May 14, 2020 4:40 AM |
I was lured over to GL from GH because of the Beth/Bradley/Phillip/Rick/Mindy story line. I enjoyed it far more.
by Anonymous | reply 237 | May 14, 2020 4:49 AM |
Frank was actually moderately interesting with Melina. It was really the only time he ever came to life. Melina made him sexy.
God knows schtupping the lesbian didn't.
by Anonymous | reply 238 | May 14, 2020 4:51 AM |
Who was the lesbian?
I think Frank is a perfect example of a GL character during that painful time they settled on. He was not up to snuff for GL. Yet, he was given so much airtime and lasted until the end. He was terrible. There were a lot of characters during that time who were meh. GL didn't really have a bad ass character until Sherry Stringfield's Blake came onto the scene. Reva was always there. Alan too. But they weren't alive until the writing got better. Better characters and better writing was needed but without better writing, we needed interesting characters who were out of the norm.
by Anonymous | reply 239 | May 14, 2020 4:56 AM |
That's a classic, R234. They sure don't make soaps like that anymore. Back when you waited months and months for the climax of the storyline, and boy did it deliver when it came.
by Anonymous | reply 240 | May 14, 2020 6:11 AM |
A Robert/Kim/Michelle reunion would be incredible. Alan, make it happen! :)
by Anonymous | reply 241 | May 14, 2020 3:03 PM |
[quote] Who was the lesbian?
On Guiding Light the woman Frank (the character) was dating underwent sexuality fluidity and fell in love, with a woman
by Anonymous | reply 242 | May 14, 2020 3:09 PM |
I didn't know that Frank and Eleni weren't together until the show ended. When I watched they were always window dressing--they never had a storyline but were 'happy' and stayed together. They weren't rotated through the mess of triangle storylines that the show defaulted to in those days.
by Anonymous | reply 243 | May 14, 2020 3:25 PM |
To expound on R242's comment, it was Natalia, who was involved with Gus. (Natalia came to town and it was revealed that she'd had a son, Rafe, with Gus when they were young - a revelation that in some way played into Harley and Gus breaking up.)
After Gus died, Olivia got his heart. Natalia took care of Olivia and feelings developed between them, even though neither of them had lapped at a ladyham before.
by Anonymous | reply 244 | May 14, 2020 5:28 PM |
it became the biggest story on GL towards the end
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 245 | May 14, 2020 6:39 PM |
“lapped on the ladyham”?
Ewwww. I prefer the ol’ “munching on the carpet,” myself.
by Anonymous | reply 246 | May 14, 2020 6:43 PM |
Carpet is so 1980s, darling!
by Anonymous | reply 247 | May 14, 2020 6:45 PM |
It really was a great story, though. It got overhyped at the end, and a lot of non daytime fans sort of overshadowed a lot of the media commentary about it (the type that just wanted to watch their couple and nothing else).
But it was very fresh, how they did it. And the chemistry was amazing. Y&R tried to do a bit of the same with their two young lesbians but there's no chemistry there.
by Anonymous | reply 248 | May 14, 2020 6:50 PM |
On e you fast forward through the first 90 minutes where there are big technical glitches this is a lot of fun and the ladies of Loving (including Noelle Beck and Jennifer Ashe) spill major tea on exec producer Joseph Stuart, who makes Paul Rauch look like a Sunday school teacher. It’s on Chris Marcantel’s channel. He can be spotted on this, too.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 249 | May 15, 2020 1:47 AM |
Joe Stuart was known to be an asshole, will be interesting to see that.
He was in the OLTL book too.
by Anonymous | reply 250 | May 15, 2020 1:53 AM |
The LOVING reunion is worth a watch -- despite all the messy tech issues. The actresses were all forthcoming about their experiences on a very difficult set. Clearly Joe Stuart was a raging misogynist.
by Anonymous | reply 251 | May 15, 2020 2:05 AM |
Will anyone be so kind as to recap some of the highlights of what an asshole Joe Stuart was.
by Anonymous | reply 252 | May 15, 2020 2:27 AM |
I went down a Sonni/Solita youtube rabbit hole. Great stuff. But I have a question about Beth- I found some episodes when she first came back in 89 but I haven't found the one where we first see her. Anyone know the date of that? TIA
by Anonymous | reply 253 | May 15, 2020 2:33 AM |
Christine Tudor looks amazing.
Lauren-Marie, um.
by Anonymous | reply 254 | May 15, 2020 2:52 AM |
Joe Stuart was a dismissive asshole. Rauch with less grabby grabby, but more misogynistic BS.
by Anonymous | reply 255 | May 15, 2020 4:55 AM |
Frank was good with Harley and Dicoplous is a nice guy, but I always saw him taking a beat before saying his first line.
not a great actor.
I don't think McKinsey submitted the country club scenes to be nominated; she just submitted her name; back then actors went off reputation. If actors from other shows didn't see those shows, if they didn't take the time to keep track of other shows throughout the year, it was all a numbers game and ABC had a lot of bloc voting.
Deidre Hall sent out tapes to voters in 1996 to show them the possession story so they could make informed choices and she was vilified for campaigning that way.
Daytime actors don't watch each other.
watching that GL clip posted above; it starts off with Phillip and Alan-Michael; I loved how Phillip tried to play supportive big brother and A-M would just push him away; their reconciliation was nice; Holly is made up to look so old and god bless Liz Dennehy, but she looks like Alex Forest in that clip. Sherry will always be Blake to me.
by Anonymous | reply 257 | May 15, 2020 9:26 AM |
I've seen folks on Twitter discussing a new podcast with JFP. She discusses her entire soap career. Has anyone heard it?
by Anonymous | reply 258 | May 15, 2020 1:44 PM |
R257 And to think I hated Sherry in the very beginning. I didn't think her look was right, her voice, nothing. It sure didn't take her long before she transformed the role. She grew in the role very quickly.
For me, the recasts of Alan, Blake, Alex, Mindy just took me out of a lot of story. Actors can transform bad writing sometimes. RR as Alan, MD as Alex, whoever as Mindy( except of course Kim Simms) and to an extent LK as Blake just let the air out of the balloon for their characters. I came to resent RR and MD in their roles. If I could have recast just one of them it would have been RR as Alan. That role needed someone else.
by Anonymous | reply 259 | May 15, 2020 1:45 PM |
[quote] And to think I hated Sherry in the very beginning.
I guess i would be a terrible casting person, because I remember thinking "who the hell is this chick?" when I first saw Sherry Stringfield. I thought she was fat! Little could I have known the career she would have!
by Anonymous | reply 260 | May 15, 2020 2:13 PM |
R260 She had a very baby face which made her look fat. But of course she wasn't. She was dressed terribly in the beginning with terrible hairstyles. You mean the career she could have had. LOL. She landed huge roles on huge TV shows then promptly left both very early on. She was so popular on ER and left at the absolute worst time story wise for her character. I'm still shocked they didn't at least make her stay for the entire season.
by Anonymous | reply 261 | May 15, 2020 2:18 PM |
R252 Here are highlights from the LOVING reunion. Because it was strictly actresses on the reunion I think they felt comfortable discussing their shared experiences w/ Joe Stuart. No one mentioned Agnes Nixon or Doug Marland -- was all about Stuart.
Susan Walters spoke out first — she set the tone. Ms. Walters said she was young, in her first job and Stuart bullied her relentlessly. She was the lowest paid of the cast but among the more popular characters. When her contract came up, she asked for a raise to bring her in line w/ her costars— TPTB came back w/ an insulting $40 per week increase, so she left.
When hiring Noelle Beck, TPTB wanted her to get a nose job ON CAMERA so they could write her plastic surgery into the show. Shocked that Nixon and Marland would even consider such a thing. Beck refused, was hired anyway and pointed out that today she still has her original nose.
Sfter coming back from maternity leave, Lauren Marie said Joe asked her: when are “we” going to lose the baby weight ?
Elizabeth Burr and Patty Lotz had stories about auditioning for Stuart. Tudor said she escaped Stuart’s misogyny after standing up to him in her audition when she didn’t know he was the producer .
Jennifer Ashe is to this day still upset that her incest storyline was wrapped up so abruptly. Apparently this was a dictate from ABC who wanted to promote “Something About Amelia” as groundbreaking when it premiered in primetime.
by Anonymous | reply 262 | May 15, 2020 2:20 PM |
R262 Why didn't she say, "You must have not watched GL because they did 'Something about Beth' you fucking idiots" and stormed out.
by Anonymous | reply 263 | May 15, 2020 2:25 PM |
I would have recast Alan, Blake and written Mindy and Alex out. They tried too many times with Mindy. If KS wouldn't come back, they should have written her out. Why did KS leave in the first place? They knew the audience didn't like MD in the role. Write her out for good.
Betty Rea was a great casting director but she also cast some stinkers.
by Anonymous | reply 264 | May 15, 2020 2:31 PM |
I guess I'm blanking on who MD is
And good question about Kimberley Simms... WEHT?
by Anonymous | reply 265 | May 15, 2020 2:48 PM |
Eleni and Frank separated in 1999/2000. She moved to California. Since then she appeared again a couple times for minor story archs involving Marina. I think she was last seen in 2008 when Marina was supposed to marry Mallet.
by Anonymous | reply 267 | May 15, 2020 5:22 PM |
R262, you forgot to include Lauren Marie’s response to Joe Stuart’s crack about getting rid of her baby weight-“I’ll do that when Perry Stephens gets rid of his love handles!”
Does anybody know specifically what led to Stephen’ suicide?
by Anonymous | reply 268 | May 15, 2020 6:23 PM |
Suicide ? I heard he was in hospice and died of liver failure.
by Anonymous | reply 269 | May 15, 2020 6:31 PM |
Really Perry Stephens committed suicide - how always, and he was such a nice guy
I wrote this previously and I'll write it again
The legendary casting director Betty Rea is the one responsible for Sherry getting on Guiding Light. Betty went to a SUNY Purchase acting showcase and was totally BLOWN AWAY by Sherry on stage
Betty went straight to the producers and said they had to hire this girl. And if there wasn't a role for her, create one. Sherry was that good.
Sherry actually auditioned for several parts, and then called her and said "Congrats you are Dana Jones' (Rick's new love interest) - GREAT Sherry said
Then they called back an hour later and said "No, you are Blake" - Sherry "Fine, I'd play Frank!"
Sherry was so grateful that when Betty Rea was awarded Soap Opera Digest Lifetime Achievement Award, Sherry went to the ceremonies (this was back when E.R. was the number one show) to present the award to Betty as a THANKS for starting her career.
by Anonymous | reply 270 | May 15, 2020 6:31 PM |
[quote] Daytime actors don't watch each other.
Except for the reels sent out, how can they? While the shows are airing, they are at work themselves. This was especially true before streaming.
by Anonymous | reply 271 | May 15, 2020 6:40 PM |
In terms of Joe Stuart he is also vilified by the cast of One Life To Live in the oral history of that show AND in Bryan Cranston autobiography when he was on Loving
by Anonymous | reply 272 | May 15, 2020 6:42 PM |
Oh, I love Kathyrn Hays but I think she might be having a bit of memory loss......
by Anonymous | reply 273 | May 15, 2020 7:07 PM |
to explain my R273 post - Don Hastings and Kathy (Bob and Kim) are on the Locher Room now
by Anonymous | reply 274 | May 15, 2020 7:14 PM |
by Anonymous | reply 275 | May 15, 2020 7:26 PM |
SDFT Troll, this is YOUR MOMENT gurl!
by Anonymous | reply 276 | May 15, 2020 7:26 PM |
Damn you, Scott DeFreitas, for making me cry. Such a nice guy.
by Anonymous | reply 277 | May 15, 2020 7:32 PM |
I'm currently watching GL from Aug 89. Reva is talking to her rapist, Roger/Sonni are trying to find out if Beth is alive, Bradley is about to get released from prison, the Daisy/Harley/Dylan story is hot, paintings are being dropped off that resemble Beth's, Phillip/Rick/Lillian/Mindy are getting hang up calls, this creepy Bruce has this girl (we never see her face) in a room with paint brushed, canvases, Blake and Holly are debating on whether Beth could be alive. Damn it is GOOD.
by Anonymous | reply 278 | May 15, 2020 8:16 PM |
Those scenes with her rapist got Kim an Emmy. Those were very very uncomfortable scenes to watch. She was 12. She looked at him like a dad.
by Anonymous | reply 279 | May 15, 2020 8:19 PM |
[quote]SDFT Troll, this is YOUR MOMENT gurl!
[quote]Damn you, Scott DeFreitas, for making me cry. Such a nice guy.
I was pre-crying when it was just Bob and Kim, and then came Andy, my favorite teenage alcoholic. I'm in tears and taking a break (Alan just uttered the words "toots" and "kiddo," so I had to laugh). Andy and the people around him are who made the show for me. My favorite storyline of all time wasn't Andy's alcoholism, but when they all lied about Julie giving birth to Aaron. I could not wait until each new episode came on.
As much as I resent the way they replaced Little Miss Seattle with Carly Tenney, Around Whom the World Turns, I'm glad for Scott to have met Maura.
Those ABC bitches who kept him off the show? They're gonna burn in hell for the rest of time when they die.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 280 | May 15, 2020 8:30 PM |
Alan Locher just had a hello from a surprise guest
by Anonymous | reply 281 | May 15, 2020 9:02 PM |
R277, I worked the Daytime Emmys and I'm in the business and I know most everybody and I see Maura at one point and, of course, Scott is with her; she turns to me to say, 'you know my husband' and I, like, froze.
Andy Dixon, the brother everyone wanted and felt they had.
He was super nice and this wasn't the first time something like that happened to him.
this could be the best Locher Room yet.
by Anonymous | reply 282 | May 15, 2020 9:07 PM |
You will all MARY! me mercilessly but I watched part of that session and had to stop.
I wept.
Seeing the three of them again hit me in a spot.....I cannot even talk about it.
It was beautiful and I will watch the rest soon.
by Anonymous | reply 283 | May 15, 2020 10:48 PM |
are the questions and comments available? I don't see them like I normally do.
by Anonymous | reply 284 | May 15, 2020 11:06 PM |
I wish Alan provided transcripts of these reunions because they’re a bit of a chore to sit through from beginning to end.
by Anonymous | reply 285 | May 16, 2020 12:19 AM |
"Kiddo, toots, pal!" Best reunion yet! Scotty D. kept it moving.
by Anonymous | reply 286 | May 16, 2020 12:20 AM |
Amazing to see Kim and Dr. Bob reunited today ! Kathy even gave us a “toots” and a “kiddo” near the end. Enjoyed hearing their memories of Irna, Douglas Marland, Eileen, Larry, Julianne Moore, Marisa Tomei, Christian LeBlanc and Don MacLaughlin.
Kudos to Alan for reuniting these two !
The real hero however was Scotty D. — he spoke so movingly about Kathy and Don and thanked them for being such a profound influence on his younger self. He said their guidance and example set him on the right path and have helped as he parents his own kids. His love for these two was touching.
Scott was a better interviewer than Alan — asking at one point to take questions from the fans and asking Kathy about her favorite time on the show. Alan deserves raves for creating The Locher Room, but his interviewing skills are lacking. Enough with asking every guest about their favorite fan interaction…can’t he come up with original questions for each interview ?!
by Anonymous | reply 287 | May 16, 2020 12:24 AM |
[quote] Alan deserves raves for creating The Locher Room, but his interviewing skills are lacking.
I have defended all he's done on his own free time, but he really is stiff as a board. He has no conversationalist skills....or if he does they do NOT come through at all on air.
by Anonymous | reply 288 | May 16, 2020 1:13 AM |
I just finished watching it.
Scotty...he was as good today as he was back in the '80s and '90s. Why they kept him off the show I will never understand. Andy was my favorite character. I liked Lucinda, too, but I loved any scene Andy was in. Scott was funny. I remember an interview either in SOW or SOD did, in which they asked him what was on Andy's nighttable. His answer: his Big Book and his framed picture of Mike Kasnoff.
I'd love it if Scott could interview people with Alan.
What do you say, Alan? (He's got to be reading us.)
by Anonymous | reply 289 | May 16, 2020 3:01 AM |
Alan please learn from the constructive criticism! And thank you!
by Anonymous | reply 290 | May 16, 2020 3:10 AM |
"Alan deserves raves for creating The Locher Room, but his interviewing skills are lacking. Enough with asking every guest about their favorite fan interaction…can’t he come up with original questions for each interview ?!"
Eh, he's getting better. He said he watched a bunch of Hughes family stuff, like Bob and Kim's wedding, on Youtube to prepare for today's interview, and I believe him. I do wish they would have explored more of the Kim/Bob/Susan triangle and Andy's romantic life, but honestly, if it were up to me, these reunions would be 10 hours long and the poor actors would be answering questions like, "Could you discuss the psychological implications of Seth Snyder as Douglas Marland's fictional doppelganger?"
by Anonymous | reply 291 | May 16, 2020 3:10 AM |
I'd bring on Scott and Denise Pence as rotating co-hosts. She was amazing, too.
by Anonymous | reply 292 | May 16, 2020 3:20 AM |
I honestly thought Eleni had been killed off camera.
When she showed up a few times, I was shocked!
by Anonymous | reply 293 | May 16, 2020 3:22 AM |
Agreed -- would have loved for Alan to have asked about the triangle with Susan or memories of Helen Wagner. Instead he asked about Kathy's one appearance on Star Trek in which she had no lines ?! We were all there to hear about ATWT -- not her episodic appearances.
The memories of Irna Phillips, Larry Bryggman and Kim's sweet imitation of Eileen were gold nuggets though -- if Alan had continued down that path it would have been solid gold.
Agreed Scotty D as co-host !!! Denise P scored points for her honesty and frankness but she tended to monopolize the conversation a bit. Totally did not need to hear about her student film appearances.
by Anonymous | reply 294 | May 16, 2020 4:04 AM |
We really don’t give a shit about the actors’ interactions with fans, do we? Those reunions shouldn’t be treated like fan event weekends at the Marriott.
by Anonymous | reply 295 | May 16, 2020 4:25 AM |
R267 Thx! I also had no idea that Marina and MALLET had been a thing? Just gross when you think Mallet was with Harley before Marina was even born. I also heard that Marina and Alan-Michael were a thing, also equally ick since he had been married to her mother.
Toward the end, people were sleeping with everybody except their own biological children, and characters that had run in different age circles and arcs now were the same age and bed-hopped. Just nasty when you think about the history.
by Anonymous | reply 296 | May 16, 2020 5:07 AM |
I don't mind the fan interaction comments, as those can be funny and even interesting in their own gossipy way. It's the questions about their free time that get me--I don't really care about their gardens, or what Netflix shows they like. I want to hear ON-SET stuff, either context to on-camera stuff we've seen or behind-the-scenes behavior and details.
And the tech snafus continue to grate. Yes it's free, and we all have tons of time right now, but I still have better uses for my time than watching people ask 'can you hear me now?' Also, how hard is it to charge devices ahead of time? Cady McClain running around to get her power cord, and the lady who played Hope Bauer logging on from her car and dropping in and out to charge her phone DURING the session? Come on.
by Anonymous | reply 297 | May 16, 2020 5:13 AM |
[quote] I also heard that Marina and Alan-Michael were a thing, also equally ick since he had been married to her mother.
Oh honey, not only involved with Eleni, but Eleni for a time thought Alan Michael was Marina's father, if I remember right. (I think that was resolved quickly and early on, but still....)
That was when they decided to pull a Mike Horton on Alan Michael, who was probably 35ish when Rick Hearst left, and then slowly either stayed the same age or inched slightly backwards, age wise.
by Anonymous | reply 298 | May 16, 2020 5:17 AM |
[quote] Yes it's free, and we all have tons of time right now, but I still have better uses for my time than watching people ask 'can you hear me now?'
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 299 | May 16, 2020 5:17 AM |
[quote] the lady who played Hope Bauer logging on from her car and dropping in and out to charge her phone DURING the session? Come on.
Which Hope was it? If it was Robin Mattson, I wouldn't care, I just would be happy to see her.
by Anonymous | reply 300 | May 16, 2020 5:20 AM |
R301 Oh, never mind then.
by Anonymous | reply 302 | May 16, 2020 5:27 AM |
R294: "Kim's sweet imitation of Eileen"
Yes, lightly patting the sides and back of her hair in that fluttery way! So cute!
by Anonymous | reply 303 | May 16, 2020 5:33 AM |
R271, back in the day, soaps started between 6 and 7 in the morning and taping could go on a regular day to 8 or 9 at night. Longer when there was a big wedding.
Plenty of actors like Bergman, Heather Tom, and others have said they throw their TV on in their dressing room and flip the channel to keep tabs on what's going on.
The soap magazines -- back in the day, there were 7: Digest, Weekly, Soap Opera Magazine, Soap Opera News, Soap Opera Update, Soaps In Depth, Daytime TV (sporadically), and a newsletter Soap Opera NOW!
They'd all be in the makeup room. Actors could flip through them and get a handle for what stories were hot.
There's been a lot of talk about Michelle Forbes and her daily tour de forces as a Sonni/Solita on GL; was there no word of mouth that could have gotten that newcomer a nom in 1989? Supporting actresses that year were: Nancy Lee Grahn and Debbi Morgan, Jane Elliot (DAYS), Arleen Sorkin and Robin Mattson (Santa Barbara).
If people looked at her work, certainly, Forbes could have gotten some votes from people at other shows, but nobody watches. Not because there isn't time or there aren't ways to find out who's hot or not, but because they don't care (mostly; a few care).
Zimmer won in 1985; she'd been on GL for less than two years, but she had pals in the business from her runs on OLTL and The Doctors.
by Anonymous | reply 304 | May 16, 2020 5:41 AM |
Make no mistake; I don't think Zimmer should have four Emmys; I think she should have FIVE (at least).
These scenes in 1995 were winners.
I just think knowing a few people at other shows can help get a nom.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 305 | May 16, 2020 5:46 AM |
Zimmer should have more than 4 period. She can play anything given her.
by Anonymous | reply 306 | May 16, 2020 7:47 AM |
In 1985, Reva blasted Vanessa at the Country Club over Vanessa accidentally hitting Reva with her car, killing her baby.
That was Emmy worthy; the show won writing that year.
by Anonymous | reply 307 | May 16, 2020 7:49 AM |
Have never been a fan of Frank Cooper. Was always amazed such a boring character had such longevity on the show.
That said, the one time I did find Frank somewhat interesting was in 1991-93 during the triangle with Eleni, Frank and Alan-Michael.
And yes, it was disgusting in 2005 when a DeSORASED Alan Michael came back to town and romanced Marina. As mentioned above, for a while, Eleni believed that A-M was Marina's father. But that was during David Kreizman's reign as HW.
Kreizman is the one who gave us cousins Jonathan and Tammy as a super couple (talk about icky!), so a DeSORASED character sleeping with the woman he once believed he fathered is perfectly in keeping for him.
by Anonymous | reply 308 | May 16, 2020 7:58 AM |
Kreizman is also the HW who gave us the romance of Lizzie Spaulding and Bill Lewis. I actually liked them as a together. Emme Rylan and Daniel Cosgrove had nice chemistry and really played off each other well. They really were fun together.
But I never could really get past the fact that Bill had also slept with Lizzie's mother Beth. Back in 2002 when Cosgrove started playing Bill, he was initially involved with Lorelei. who was ultimately revealed to an amnesiac Beth.
As far as I recall, I don't think the show ever addressed the fact that Bill had slept with both mother and daughter. I think they just ignored it when the Bill-Lizzie romance started.
by Anonymous | reply 309 | May 16, 2020 8:03 AM |
I am enjoying Alan's reunions and am grateful that he's putting them together, Bravo to Alan for all the work it takes to get these going.
That said, I also agree that he would benefit from a co-host. Interviewing does not seem to be his strong suit and he could certainly benefit from having some help in keeping the conversations going and keeping it focused on the topic.
I also agree these technical issues of "Can You Hear Me" are getting really tedious. But that's on the actor end, not Alan's. And it seems to be mostly wi-fi issues, but some actors just aren't the most tech savvy. I mean, with Michael Tylo, the camera was shaking so much, I found myself wondering if he was jerking off.
Most of these issues can be addressed by doing a run through with the actors beforehand which he seems to now be doing with the "backstage" area.
by Anonymous | reply 310 | May 16, 2020 8:34 AM |
GL's Frank was like YR's Paul. Dull and useless except in the role of cop.
by Anonymous | reply 311 | May 16, 2020 1:21 PM |
Has anyone said how Eileen Fulton is doing these days? Always loved her. She deserved a better ending. Also, is there a link to these reunions? If it’s been posted, apologies. I may have been scrolling through too quickly.
by Anonymous | reply 312 | May 16, 2020 1:45 PM |
Here you go r312. Bookmark the site since he's adding several new reunions every week.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 313 | May 16, 2020 2:08 PM |
Now ya’ll… We know BEGGERS CAN’T BE CHOOSERS Thanks to Alan for having the brilliant idea to host these interviews during this awful time. Alan is our hero for sure !
Come on Alan… if you are going to lead a discussion, please keep it related to the reason we are all there — THE SOAPS ! We do not care to hear everyone’s challenges home schooling their kids, their knitting projects, their gardens, that one episodic appearance on Starsky & Hutch or the student film they did back in 1984 !?
We want:
- Favorite storylines - What it was like working w/ their on-screen romantic partners - Stories from location shoots - Memories of the RIP actors who played their parents - Their thoughts on specific head writers and producers - Gossip from BTS (but I know this is a long shot)
Despite serious tech issues for a good 25 minutes, the LOVING reunion was wildly entertaining ! After they got the required “where are you now” out of the way… The interviewer (a fan no less) asked each actress questions submitted in advance from fans. Each question was specific to the actresses’ own storylines and allowed them to share memories and stories. It was wildly entertaining and offered glimpses into BTS goings-on never made public before. A very smart and entertaining format…
by Anonymous | reply 314 | May 16, 2020 4:52 PM |
There's a name for characters like Frank that is unique to soaps. I read it one of the soap writing books, a long time ago. I can't think of it now, but someone else probably knows what I'm talking about. Let's call them supporting characters. They never really drive story, but every soap needs characters like that to flesh out the community.
If I'm remembering correctly in order to have a soap you need the following, per Irna Phillips:
The tentpoles who are the pillars of the community who serve as recappers and talk tos
A doctor
A lawyer
The main female lead
the heavy
And these other characters ( like Frank) who serve multiple fuctions
by Anonymous | reply 315 | May 16, 2020 4:59 PM |
you couldn't wait....the Boudreau reunion
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 316 | May 16, 2020 5:02 PM |
Here is Denise Pence (Katie Parker), Elvera Roussel (Hope Bauer), Michael Tylo (Quint Chamberlin) and Jerry verDorn (Ross Marler)
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 317 | May 16, 2020 5:04 PM |
He MUST have Lisa Brown and/or John Wesley Shipp on.
by Anonymous | reply 318 | May 16, 2020 5:42 PM |
Alan had a special backstage session so that I could discuss my new role as Katherine Chancellor on Y&R and recovery from COVID-19 with my dear friends Don and Kathy. So many memories and so much laughter.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 319 | May 16, 2020 6:50 PM |
R315, the term for characters like Frank used to be “coffee pourers.” Subsidiary characters who were just required to listen and react to the main ones.
by Anonymous | reply 320 | May 16, 2020 6:52 PM |
I said it before but it bears repeating. These people made a living working on tv. Why do some of them not get the concept of decent lighting and a steady camera. WTF with Michael Tylo! Half the time part of his hand was blocking the camera and it appeared an earthquake was going on in his house.
by Anonymous | reply 321 | May 16, 2020 8:11 PM |
R312 In the interview with Dr. Bob and Kim, Locher mentioned that he'd been trying to locate Eileen to have an interview with her. He said something about being directed to (South) Carolina, but Hastings corrected him, saying if that's the case, then it's probably North Carolina where she was from. Hastings said he hadn't seen her for 10 years.
by Anonymous | reply 322 | May 16, 2020 8:13 PM |
Nice that Don said he'd been out with Kathryn right before she moved back to IL (along with his wife, who played Maeve on GL and that hideous Carolyn Crawford on ATWT).
Back in the day there were rumors they didn't get along so well, so nice to hear they were hanging out a bit.
by Anonymous | reply 323 | May 16, 2020 8:47 PM |
I have a feeling Kathy could be a pill.
by Anonymous | reply 324 | May 16, 2020 11:04 PM |
R322 I could see her returning home to Asheville, NC. There are a lot of retirees in the area, and it is beautiful and cheaper than NYC. There is a very active theater scene there and in the surrounding communities, I'm surprised one of them hasn't gotten her to star in a production of something.
by Anonymous | reply 325 | May 16, 2020 11:33 PM |
[quote]I'm surprised one of them hasn't gotten her to star in a production of something.
If rumor is to be believed, then Eileen Fulton is suffering from dementia. A least a mild case of it. Consequently, she can't remember her lines. That's the reason insiders here on DL have given for why Lisa didn't get some send off scenes in the final week of the show.
by Anonymous | reply 327 | May 17, 2020 12:01 AM |
And that was 11 years ago.
Kathy Hays was OK but came off a wee bit forgetful - mostly of Don McLaughlin's name but she had to take a second a few other times.
Then again the bitch IS 86 years old.
by Anonymous | reply 328 | May 17, 2020 12:07 AM |
Huge OLTL and Y&R fan in the 80's and 90's.
However, I read these threads with great reverence-
You P&G fans are classy, dignified, and treat each other with respect.
Over the years I have become OBSESSED with McKinsey, Hubbard, and getting kicked in the CUNT by a PISSED OFF Ms. Ada Hobson.
And that is only partially true, as I would watch those Daytime Emmys as a kid and marvel at those short clips of Hubbard. Holy SHIT!! She was charisma personified..
And I have to tell you- I watched that Hubbard and Byrne Youtube interview- it was AMAZING. Byrne was wonderfully low-key and clearly wanted Hubbard's brilliance known. Elizabeth Hubbard REALLY showed what the simple quality of CURIOSITY can give a human being. It is an incredibly great interview and Hubbard shows some keys to LIFE. What a great lady. And her acting insights and advice can work in any situation. I was enchanted by her, and her attitude towards acting and life.
And on a RANDOM note, I DID tune in to GL very sporadically during the late 80's. I was obsessed with Sonni and Solita, and GL (to me) was very similar to OLTL as they had similar background music. (OLTL had AWESOME background music during the Rauch era) Well it turns out they were both scored by "Score Productions".... so I was not wrong. I maybe tuned in for 3-4 months and that was it. I vaguely remember Alan's return when I would get bored with GH. Did he have a mask that looked like a kumquat in some cave?? 88 or 89??? Anyway...
I love this thread the P&G people!!
by Anonymous | reply 329 | May 17, 2020 12:12 AM |
[quote] I vaguely remember Alan's return when I would get bored with GH. Did he have a mask that looked like a kumquat in some cave?? 88 or 89???
You're thinking of Roger Thorpe, darling.
Welcome to the P&G thread!
by Anonymous | reply 330 | May 17, 2020 12:13 AM |
YES! Roger Thorpe played by Michael Zaslow!!!! (David Renaldi on OLTL)
I am so sorry!!!!
But yes, I would tune into GL and it was quite addictive in the late 80's- I never truly stuck with it, but it had some OLTL parallels which NO show had in the late 80's.
Bottom line, HUGE Hubbard fan. Watch that interview. WHAT a lady. She epitomizes a "GIFTED" human being. I will be watching again tonight. Curiosity. That is the key.
by Anonymous | reply 331 | May 17, 2020 12:17 AM |
[quote]I vaguely remember Alan's return when I would get bored with GH. Did he have a mask that looked like a kumquat in some cave?? 88 or 89???
Yes, that was Roger Thorpe with the mask. He returned in 1989 wearing a mask.
Meanwhile, the show was busy writing Alan Spaudling out since actor Chris Bernau had died in summer 1988 and Daniel Pilon was subbing as Alan. Pilon did a decent job subbing in a pinch, but he was not Alan and the show finally wrote him out just after the Roger reveal in June 1989.
by Anonymous | reply 332 | May 17, 2020 12:20 AM |
Chris Bernau died in June 1989, but had left the show in summer 1988, which is when Pilon came on board.
by Anonymous | reply 333 | May 17, 2020 12:26 AM |
Chris Bernau died in June 1989, but had left the show in summer 1988, which is when Pilon came on board.
by Anonymous | reply 334 | May 17, 2020 12:26 AM |
[quote]If KS wouldn't come back, they should have written her out. Why did KS leave in the first place?
From insider accounts here at DL, Kimberly Simms wanted to stay on as Mindy, but when it came time to renew her contract in summer 1992, show lowballed her. It was an insulting offer that essentially said the show didn't value what she'd done with the role in the previous three years. She declined it. Rather than up the offer, the show let her walk.
After five months off camera, they were ready to bring Mindy back. JFP apparently contacted Kimberly Simms again about returning -- she'd been off for five months and potentially was ready to start getting a paycheck again -- but made the same lowball offer. She declined again.
So, the show cast Ann Hanmilton as Mindy. When that didn't work out, they cast Barbara Crampton, an established soap star who had to have been more expensive than Kimberly Simms would have been.
by Anonymous | reply 336 | May 17, 2020 12:30 AM |
[quote]Chris Bernau died in June 1989, but had left the show in summer 1988, which is when Pilon came on board.
Ahh, yes, Thanks for the correction. We doddering old ladies have so much information stored in our brains, sometimes it gets jumbled.
by Anonymous | reply 337 | May 17, 2020 12:32 AM |
[quote] If rumor is to be believed, then Eileen Fulton is suffering from dementia. A least a mild case of it. Consequently, she can't remember her lines. That's the reason insiders here on DL have given for why Lisa didn't get some send off scenes in the final week of the show.
I'm not sure I buy that. If she was already suffering from dementia at that time, I doubt they would have crafted those two episodes in May 2010, just four months earlier, focused on her, or given her as much to do in the August Helen Wagner tribute. I think it is much more likely that she didn't get a better send off, because she pissed off TPTB. She had been complaining for several years, before, about being sidelined, and her interviews about the end of the show, show that she mightily pissed off at P&G and CBS.
by Anonymous | reply 338 | May 17, 2020 12:38 AM |
[quote] She had been complaining for several years, before, about being sidelined, and her interviews about the end of the show, show that she mightily pissed off at P&G and CBS.
I remember in the summer of 2007 she didn't appear for the entire summer - FOUR MONTHS!
Yet P&G still sent her a paycheck every week - why they didn't drop her to recurring (like they did with Larry Brygmann) I'll never understand.
Marie Masters (Dr, Susan Stewart) and Kathleen Widdoes (Emma Synder) worked more than Eileen did, and they were not even on contract.
Here Eileen was on contract, and she was barely working.
by Anonymous | reply 339 | May 17, 2020 12:45 AM |
KIMBERLY SIMMS!!!! She was HOT!!!!!!! And a solid-good actress!!!
SHE should have been the Tina recast on OLTL in 1990!!!
Anyway- I loved her as Mindy- granted, this is from clips mostly.
by Anonymous | reply 340 | May 17, 2020 12:46 AM |
Krista Tesreau (Mindy #1) said the only thing her Mindy and Kimberly Simms Mindy shared was the same name
Simms Mindy was a completely different character as far as Tesreau was concerned.
by Anonymous | reply 341 | May 17, 2020 12:51 AM |
R339 Because she was a STAR. If they dropped her to recurring, she would just tell them to stick it and never appear again. And fans would have revolted. Even though, they weren't using her much, they had to make sure they had her around for important special events.
by Anonymous | reply 342 | May 17, 2020 12:51 AM |
[quote] she would just tell them to stick it and never appear again. And fans would have revolted.
At that point a few fans would revolt, but it would NOT have brought down the show.
If they could get rid of Larry Bryggman they could get rid of Eileen Fulton.
by Anonymous | reply 343 | May 17, 2020 12:53 AM |
How did you all feel about Simm's??
I am starting to feel that I watched GL more than I think I did!
She was gorgeous and COULD ACT!
(All I know of Tesreau, is her Tina on OLTL- which was an abomination)
by Anonymous | reply 344 | May 17, 2020 12:54 AM |
[quote] All I know of Tesreau, is her Tina on OLTL- which was an abomination
Krista Tesreau shares your opinion, she says it wasn't her best work.
by Anonymous | reply 345 | May 17, 2020 12:56 AM |
R343 I disagree, towards the end it was the longtime viewers that were keeping the show going. If they fired Lisa, many of them would have stopped watching, making the show end earlier. John Dixon was a long term fan favorite major character, but he wasn't on the same level as Bob, Lisa, and Nancy, and Kim. The four of them were sacrosanct.
by Anonymous | reply 346 | May 17, 2020 1:01 AM |
R346 Eileen has left several times throughout her tenure and the show still survived
by Anonymous | reply 347 | May 17, 2020 1:03 AM |
R346 Eileen has left several times throughout her tenure and the show still survived
by Anonymous | reply 348 | May 17, 2020 1:03 AM |
Eileen must have dementia. She LOVED attention and there is no way she would be missing out on this current reunion stuff.
(Did you see her on Geraldo in the 90's when that porn star accused her of sucking dick??)
I vividly her remembering her using "Well at least this audience KNOWS WHO I AM" against that piece of shit porn star!
by Anonymous | reply 349 | May 17, 2020 1:06 AM |
Kimberly Simms was GORGEOUS. I thought she was fantastic.
She worked a lot with Irizarry??
(Have I possibly blocked out my early GL watching)
Its like I have awoken part of my brain, long dormant.
by Anonymous | reply 350 | May 17, 2020 1:08 AM |
[quote] She worked a lot with Irizarry??
They were promoted as the next "super-couple" then it was put on ice after Simms left the show.
by Anonymous | reply 351 | May 17, 2020 1:09 AM |
Not only were Kimberly Simms and Vincent Irizarry a couple onscreen. They were also a couple off scrren.
Incidently, Irizarry also got invovled with Anne Hamilton and Barbara Crampton while they were playing Mindy.
by Anonymous | reply 352 | May 17, 2020 1:11 AM |
R348 Absolutely, she had left, several times. But, it is different if they fired her or just let her go, instead of her choosing to leave. It was like Laura on GH two years ago. The audience went crazy when she was let go, even though she herself had chosen to leave numerous times, because it wasn't her choice to leave.
by Anonymous | reply 353 | May 17, 2020 1:12 AM |
R327 She seemed pretty lucid in her three part interview that they did with her at We Love Soaps a year after ATWT went off the air. Of course, I realize print interviews can be cleaned up to sound good, but as I recall she discussed the ending and had a few choice words about how they left it with Lisa.
by Anonymous | reply 354 | May 17, 2020 1:32 AM |
[quote] The audience went crazy
and General Hospital still survived. No one is irreplaceable. and if someone is dropped to "recurring" they could work MORE than when they were on contract - Marie Masters & Kathleen Widdoes is a perfect example.
by Anonymous | reply 355 | May 17, 2020 1:36 AM |
R355 Yes, it survived, but they also had to go back and hire her back on a contract, to quiet the fans. I'm guessing that the contract was more favorable to her than it would have been, if they hadn't fired her in the first place.
by Anonymous | reply 356 | May 17, 2020 1:41 AM |
R356 you have it wrong - they had to get rid of Jill Farren Phelps to get Genie back. She was the stumbling block, fans or no fans. ..
by Anonymous | reply 357 | May 17, 2020 1:49 AM |
In reference to Fulton's possible move to North Carolina, I've been able to substantiate that via the Eileen Fulton Fan Club page on FB.
The person who runs the page just mentioned her move there in a message put up on April 19, 2020 due to a question on how she's doing during these times:
[quote] She is doing well. I just spoke to her last weekend. She is currently now living in North Carolina with her brother and her 2 pups Rose Mary and Ella. She is staying in as most of us are trying to stay well from this virus going around but she is doing good.
Asked why and when she moved there:
[quote] Because Dick Barclay passed away who did a lot for her, so she moved there to be with her brother.
Barclay's obituary from the American Songbook Association (2017) includes a photo with Fulton and discusses his collaboration with her.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 358 | May 17, 2020 1:50 AM |
R357 That was years ago; what I'm referencing happened in 2018. The cunt, Jill Farren Phelps, was long gone.
by Anonymous | reply 359 | May 17, 2020 1:52 AM |
I do wonder about "that cunt" Phelps....
She had an eye for visuals and sonically...
But the rest?? She seemed like a PIGS CUNT.
Her OLTL, was VERY watchable, but dark....
by Anonymous | reply 360 | May 17, 2020 2:00 AM |
R359 yes and the way for Genie to come back is for JFP to leave. So it wasn't fans that got Genie back, it was the REMOVAL of JFP that led to her coming back.
by Anonymous | reply 361 | May 17, 2020 2:02 AM |
I guess Tesreau is right that Mindy changed a lot, but I liked the mature Mindy.
I was happy enough to see Tesreau back at the end, though her Mindy settling for Rick Bauer after being gone for so long was one of the few false notes at the end.
by Anonymous | reply 362 | May 17, 2020 2:04 AM |
R359 JFP had been gone for over six years, since 2012. Francis returned permanently in 2015. In 2018, she was demoted to recurring and basically said no thanks and walked away. The fans made a huge stink over it. Then in July 2018, they announced she had signed a new contract. This time it had NOTHING to do with JFP.
by Anonymous | reply 363 | May 17, 2020 2:08 AM |
Based on a little snooping on Eileen's fan page, she moved to NC late last year.
Ironically, pretty much at the same time that Kathy Hays was heading back to HER hometown area.
by Anonymous | reply 364 | May 17, 2020 2:22 AM |
[quote]I'm not sure I buy that. If she was already suffering from dementia at that time, I doubt they would have crafted those two episodes in May 2010, just four months earlier, focused on her,
Yes, ATWT did that Eileen tribute episode in May 1960 in honor of her 50th anniversary. That may have sufficed for the Lisa send off in the eyes of Chris Goutman.
Or it's possible that it took a long time to film that episode, that they had to really work with Eileen, feeding her lines, etc to get that Lisa tribute episode done. They may have decided that was too much work again for the finale.
by Anonymous | reply 365 | May 17, 2020 2:49 AM |
It took both JFP and Tony Geary being gone before Genie Francis came back to GH permanently in 2015.
by Anonymous | reply 366 | May 17, 2020 2:52 AM |
Supposedly this thread has been paywalled. At least that's what someone reported on the Frank Grillo thread.
It's only $1.50 a month or $20 for the year for all you non subscribers. Is that really going to break the bank?
Anyway. here's a new thread to continue talking P&G.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 367 | May 17, 2020 3:19 AM |
Lucinda and Tonio were dealing with workers on an oil rig (I think or plant) who wanted a raise and were threatening the facility.
Lucinda tells Tonio to hire guards to protect the place; Sierra and Lily suggest taking the money they were going to give the guards and give the workers a raise.
Lucy laughed and said that's not how business works, darling.
I think it's moronic to throw more money at Barbara Crampton that they weren't going to pay Simms. Crampton, Dusay. Deas. Walker. Springfield wasn't Springfield anymore.
Jill's never produced a show that I have enjoyed. She must have fired 6 or 7 folks at Y&R, opening up millions in the budget and then throws a bundle at Steve Burton and Y&R became the Dylan show. Ug.
by Anonymous | reply 368 | May 17, 2020 4:13 AM |
[quote] If she was already suffering from dementia at that time ...
If that was the case, then how could Fulton remember lines and stage direction to appear in a live stage production of My Fair Lady for CTRep Theatre a full year after ATWT ended? To me, that would seem far more difficult than doing some pages from a soap script for a character well-known to her in a familiar setting.
by Anonymous | reply 369 | May 17, 2020 4:25 AM |
[quote] then how could Fulton remember lines and stage direction to appear in a live stage production of My Fair Lady for CTRep Theatre a full year after ATWT ended?
It is called "script in hand"
by Anonymous | reply 370 | May 17, 2020 4:28 AM |
[quote] The fans made a huge stink over it. Then in July 2018, they announced she had signed a new contract.
It wasn't fans, it is because Frank Valentini is nice guy
by Anonymous | reply 371 | May 17, 2020 4:29 AM |
Don't forget that JFP killed a woman. When she demoted Anna Lee, who had been promised a job for life at GH, from contract to recurring, she as much as murdered her. Lee gave up after that and died a few months later from pneumonia.
by Anonymous | reply 372 | May 17, 2020 4:29 AM |
R371 Frank didn't want to demote her in the first place; it came from higher-ups. He worked hard to get her re-instated. Fans kept up the pressure on him and the executives until she was brought back. She is still one of the largest names in soaps, when she was demoted/fired it wasn't just written about in the soap press, but the wider entertainment press such as deadline and EW. Genie Francis credited the fans with playing a role in her return.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 373 | May 17, 2020 4:41 AM |
They never wanted to lose Genie full time; her contract was on a cycle at at time when they didn't have story and they needed to make a financial decision;
I'd call BS on this theory that was given to me, but I was also told they wanted to get her back; guess what? They did. Laura has story. She's going to head to head with Cyrus. She's strong.
There's often outcry when a star leaves and then it dies down; ABC wanted her back so they got her back. Everybody wins.
I'm not sure why the ratings aren't higher.
I can't wait to find out who Nelle's husband is.
by Anonymous | reply 374 | May 17, 2020 6:19 AM |
[quote] They never wanted to lose Genie full time; her contract was on a cycle at at time when they didn't have story and they needed to make a financial decision
But that wasn't true. When they demoted her, Laura was in the middle of running for mayor against Ned and fighting his corrupt redevelopment schemes. The writers had storylines laid out for her. FV has stated they had to rewrite things, because of her not being around. When she returned, they had to figure out a way to get Ned out of the mayor's office, so she could have her rightful place.
by Anonymous | reply 375 | May 17, 2020 6:27 AM |
Those are fair points, R375.
Ultimately, she's back. I'm just glad it didn't take 12 years like it did after ABC so foolishly lost Denise Alexander back in 1984.
This has to be one of the best payoffs I'd ever seen in soap history.
The summer of 1980 was not ALL about L&L on the run!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 376 | May 17, 2020 8:50 PM |