Erica and Nicole Buffett had a good relationship with their billionaire grandfather Warren Buffett for much of their lives, as Nicole shared in an interview with Marie Claire (though a source told Reuters that the twins had "exaggerated" their relationship with the magnate). In either case, things took a turn in 2006, when Nicole appeared in a documentary by Jamie Johnson, heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune. This documentary was about rich kids and was called "The One Percent," per IMDb, and in it, Nicole made the claim that "money is the spoke" in her grandfather's "wheel of life."
Although she claimed to Marie Claire that she didn't mean any harm, the damage was done. Nicole allegedly received a letter from her grandfather that said, in part, "I have not emotionally or legally adopted you as a grandchild, nor have the rest of my family adopted you as a niece or a cousin." He signed the letter "Warren," despite Nicole receiving a card signed "Grandpa" the year before, as she alleged to Marie Claire. "I don't have an easy answer for where my father is coming from," Peter Buffett told the outlet. "But I know I can't change the spots on a leopard."
Nicole told Reuters that Buffett allegedly disowned Erica, too, and as of 2008, she was living off of $40,000 a year from her paintings, which is ironic considering she claimed her grandpa paid her art school tuition. Of course, it's impossible to know how Buffett really feels unless he speaks out himself.