Bradley Christopher Gumbel іѕ son of Bryant Christopher Gumbel, an Аmеrісаn tеlеvіѕіоn јоurnаlіѕt аnd nеwѕсаѕtеr оf ѕроrtѕ nеwѕ. The sportscaster is known for his contribution as co-host of NBC's Today for more than a decade.
Bradley father, Bryant's eldеr brоthеr іѕ ѕроrtѕсаѕtеr Grеg Gumbеl. Вrуаnt hаѕ hоѕtеd НВО’ѕ іnvеѕtіgаtіvе ѕеrіеѕ Rеаl Ѕроrtѕ wіth hіѕ brоthеr Grеg. Іt hаѕ bееn rаtеd аѕ оnе оf thе bеѕt ѕроrtѕ рrоgrаmѕ, wіnnіng thе 2012 Реаbоdу Аwаrd.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel's Personal Life
As a celebrity child, Bradley has been living a private life as of 2021. He has not been spotted dating or spending time with his love partner as of yet. He is a quiet person and tries to maintain his activities private from the public eyes.
In addition, he does not use any social sites like Instagram and Facebook. He has stayed out of the spotlight when it comes to his personal life and his love life. Hopefully, we'll find more about his connection in the following days.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel's Father, Bryant Is Married Twice
Yes, Bryant Gumbel has been married two times in his life. He first got married to his divorced wife, June Carlyn on December 1, 1973, and they have two children. Bradley, born in 1978, and Jillian, born in 1983, are the children of the former marriage. Jillian, their only daughter, married William Russell Robins, her true love, in November 2011.

Bryant and Carlyn's relationship declined as time went on. June claimed her husband of had multiple lovers for years and accused him of cheating on her in 2002. She also stated that despite earning $5 million in income, he kept her penniless; as a result, she filed for divorce. Their divorce was formalized a year next, in August 2001.
Bryant Gumbel married his second wife, Hilary Quinlan, on August 24, 2002, after dating for a few years. His wife worked at Goldman Sachs as a researcher. It's been roughly sixteen years since the couple exchanged vows.

Sроrtѕсаѕtеr still happily married with no rumors of divorce or separation. Bryant and Hilary have yet to have their children. Hilary, on the other hand, is the stepmother to two children from Bryant's previous relationship.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel's Net Worth
The exact amount of Bradley Christopher Gumbel's earnings and income are all unknown. However, Bradley's father has an estimated net worth of $25 million. His salary as a journalist accounts for the majority of his earnings. Aside from cameo roles on the comedy Seinfield and The Weather Man, he hasn't been in any other projects.
June Carlyn, his mother, also received a large sum of money and property as part of the divorce settlement. She received $3 million in child support and maintenance. She also acquired an Upper East Side apartment and a Westchester estate. Maggie Hale is also a fitness Instructor like Bradley.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel Went Jail Twice
Bradley Gumbel was arrested in August 2002 on suspicion of robbing Mary Jane Balish, a 31-year-old interior designer, at 2:15 a.m. Gumbel was visiting his fiancée at her house on East 71st Street, which also happened to be the vicinage where the woman's dome was situated. She was strolling through the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
The victim described the suspect as a tall black guy with a shaven head in a white shirt and black slacks that matched Gumbel Jr.'s size. After additional inquiry, the jury discovered the mugger was someone else and deemed the case a case of identity mistake.
Even though the court approved Brad's release, the police indicated that he was free without a comprehensive investigation. They also said that if he had not been the son of a celebrity, he would have been detained in prison for a longer period.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel's Father Beat Cancer
Bradley Christopher Gumbel's father Bryant is also noted for having overcome cancer. In 2009, he was undergoing treatment for a cancerous tumor. He explained that the tumor in his chest had to be surgically removed, as well as a portion of his lung.
Here is the video of Bryant Gumbel's interview.
There were rumors that he had lung cancer. He told Regis Philbin about his sickness on Live with Regis and Kelly and stated that he had tumors around his lung despite not being a smoker. A year later, he revealed that his prognosis was favorable once again.
Bradley Christopher Gumbel was born in 1978 in the United States of America. Bryant Gumbel and June Carlyn are his parents. Surnаmе obtains from his ancestors, who were of Eh-Gеrmаn descent. As of 2021, Bradley's age is 43 years old.
Jillian Gumbel is his younger sister. She is a fitness trainer who teaches yoga, meditation, and mobility yoga for athletes. However, his education information is hidden for now. Bryant is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs in at a healthy weight.
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