Oklahoma City police skipper James Matt French was gotten on video over and over requesting that the capturing official mood killer his body camera after he was pulled over for a thought DUI on Sunday, Walk 12, 2023.
According to Fox News, the 55-year-old was pulled over past 12 PM on Sunday, after the capturing official saw him speeding on South May Road in his unmarked, city-possessed SUV. French ultimately halted in a confidential carport on SW Stupendous Blvd.
In body camera film delivered by the Oklahoma City Police Division days after his capture on Thursday, French was caught begging the official to switch off the body camera while tossing his position around to sidestep any ramifications for driving while impaired.
In the recording, an official methodologies James Matt French’s SUV while he is sitting in his vehicle in the carport of the home he guaranteed had a place with him. When inquired as to whether he has been drinking, French answers, “I’m a chief of the police division.” He then, at that point, focuses to the official’s chest and asks that the last option “switch the camera off.”
The official continued to overlook the rehashed signals to switch off the camera and asked the police chief how inebriated he was, however French seemed irritated at the line of addressing.
At the point when French indeed movements for the official to switch off the camera, he answers by saying “I’m not switching my camera off.”
James Matt French is then caught remaining external his carport while the official requests that he perform standard tests for DUI and proceeds with his examination. The police commander is heard saying he was at a poker game around four streets away and had three to four brews to drink.
After French is seen attempting to perform field restraint tests, he entreats the official to if it’s not too much trouble, switch off his camera.
The official, apparently irritated at the solicitation, tells French that as a Skipper of a division, he ought to know about the standard body cam strategy and won’t switch off the camera. Nonetheless, French indeed begs the official to simply switch it off, to which the official answers:
“I’m a sergeant and I’ve made a vow to maintain the law. I don’t show partiality to anybody notwithstanding. I couldn’t care less in the event that you’re a posse banger or the leader of the US.”
French was captured subsequent to bombing a field balance test and has since been rescued. In an explanation to Fox News, Boss Swim Gourley of the Oklahoma City Police Division lauded the capturing official’s lead during the occurrence and said:
“The official did precisely as he ought to have, and dealt with it expertly, as I would see it. To the extent that how the official answered, he did precisely as he ought to have.”
Gourley let the distribution know that James Matt French, who has worked in the Oklahoma Police Office for quite a long time, was put on semi-voluntary vacation while the division surveys the episode.