Was Luna Vachon to blame for Sable's locker room problems?

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Luna is a wrestler I've been a fan of since the early 90s...Her character was ahead of its time, her promos helped to show that, not to mention she convincingly wrestled and beat men(both in the WWF and other feds) and she should've been at least a 2 time WWF Women'a Champion.

Also @Kamala316 that's laughable how you compare Nattie to Luna as 2 women who only kept wrestling because of their last name and that they never pushed the envelope in the ring. If you've watched Luna's matches against Alundra Blayze or some of her stuff in Japan you'd see Luna could in fact wrestle her ass off when need be, as could Nattie.

When you get down to it, Luna was never booked right so she languished in limbo because of it. In all seriousness, Luna could wrestle circles around the awkward Sable, who to me only had 1 good move which was the Powerbomb. Other than that I really didn't like her matches and never liked her promos.

At 3:30 in the clip below, Cornette explains why Sable was a bitch to work with during the Luna feud, citing her being afraid Luna would "hurt" her during an angle where Luna would hit Sable in the back of the head with the WWF Women's Title, so Luna had to basically "tap" Sable in the upper back with the belt. I remember seeing that angle on Raw, actually, Cornette's right in that particular statement.

Luna really should've been booked worlds better, especially in the Attitude Era...If she were simply an updated version of her mid 90s character, focused on(and winning) the WWF Women's Title, without being paired with Goldust in some asinine angle and actually beating Sable to win the WWF Women's Title, then things would've turned out for the best there. Seeing as how Sable was just about the only other woman WWF would've booked in a main event match at that time, that would've had to do.

So no, in conclusion I don't think Luna was to blame for Sable being disliked in the locker room, but instead it most likely fell on Sable simply being a bitch backstage, which Cornette's statements imply(and I wouldn't be surprised if there were truth to that).
