As reported by Oxygen, Sara did not feel comfortable around Daniel Perez. However, her mother seemed to be enthralled with the self-proclaimed angel and believed he had their best interests in mind.
Sara McGrath said Daniel Perez began sexually abusing her within weeks of their arrival at the compound. Although he claimed he was simply trying to "fix" her, she knew it was wrong.
Sara became even more concerned when some of Perez's more disturbing predictions came true. In June 2003, a woman named Patricia Hughes died in a freak accident. As reported by Oxygen, the woman, who was like a second mother to Sara, slipped and fell in the compound's pool and drowned. Three years later, Patricia's husband Brian was killed in a similarly unusual incident while working in an auto body shop. Both deaths were predicted by Daniel Perez.
The "accidents" caught the attention of local authorities. However, there was little information linking Perez to the deaths. Authorities were further frustrated because they could not confirm the true identity of the man who called himself Lou Castro.
Two years after Brian Hughes died, Sara McGrath's mother died in a suspicious car accident. Although local authorities were again hampered by a lack of evidence, they strongly suspected Daniel Perez was involved. As they had few resources, they contacted the FBI for assistance with the investigation.
Oxygen reports FBI agents discovered the man calling himself Lou Castro was actually David Perez.