A vigil is planned for today evening, April 14, in Kingman as a result of a car accident on Thursday that left two adolescents dead and three others ill.
Gretchen Dorner, superintendent of the Kingman Unified School District (KUSD), announced that everyone is welcome to attend the vigil, which will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Lee Williams High School auditorium.
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Four of the five children involved in the incident on Thursday were named in a KUSD Facebook post. The names of everyone involved have been concealed by the Kingman Police Department.
The Facebook post stated, “It is with great regret that we inform you of the recent loss to Lee Williams High school.” Tatum Meins was killed in an automobile accident last night, which involved five of our students.
The 15-year-old girl who was killed was not identified by KUSD because her parents’ consent had not been obtained. According to reports, the other parents involved gave their consent for the school district to reveal their names.
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The KUSD FB post stated that Brady Shuffler, Reilly Feil, and Cannon Cobanovich were all hospitalized in Las Vegas. “Our entire school will undoubtedly be affected by this event and have many questions and concerns. Students and others of the community will have the chance to come together at LWHS to support this tragedy.
The single car rollover that was reported at 9:50 p.m. in the 3500 block of Louise Avenue is being looked into by the Kingman Police Department with assistance from the Department of Public Safety.
Excessive speed is a component in the accident inquiry, according to deputy police chief Joel Freed. He claimed that while traveling east, the Dodge Ssdan slid sideways, collided with two power poles, and then rolled numerous times before coming to rest on its top.
According to Freed, a 17-year-old woman died at the site, and a 15-year-old girl passed away after being taken to Kingman Regional Medical Center. The 16-year-old male driver and two additional passengers, he claimed, were transported to a hospital in Las Vegas for treatment of critical wounds.
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