If Randy Orton didn't have famous relatives and/or HHH's backing, would he be Champ?

May 2024 ยท 8 minute read
I think that Randy Orton is someone that's LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG since proven that he's gotten where he is mostly because of talent. For some strange reason, and I don't know why, some fans refuse to believe that guys who make it to the top in WWE get there by being talented. I honestly don't know where it comes from. Is it personal jealousy that they themselves didn't have what it took? Is it bitterness because they made it while other wrestlers they were bigger fans of didn't?

As far as Orton's father & grandfather goes...c'mon...Randy Orton was a bigger star in the first few years he was in WWE than in all the years his father & grandfather had combined in the business. I'm not saying that to belittle Bob Orton, Sr. & Jr., but it is what it is. When Randy Orton came on the scene back in the mid 2000s, how long had it been since we'd seen "Cowboy" Bob Orton in WWE? How long had it been since we'd even given him a second thought? How many of us didn't even know who Orton's grandfather was?

As much as it flat out pisses some people off to acknowledge this in any way, shape or form; Randy Orton is a damn talented professional wrestler that's delivered FAR more times than he hasn't. Let's not let all the controversy in the title scene for the past 6 months make us forget that. Orton has helped make a lot of money for WWE, he's been involved in some very memorable feuds and very memorable matches. Some aren't into the guy, understandable since it's like that with every wrestler, but if Orton wasn't somebody that was able to deliver for WWE in a satisfactory way, he wouldn't have spent most of the past 10 years as one of the top guys. Would he be WWE World Heavyweight Champion? Who knows? From what I understand, WWE moved up their plans for title unification to TLC. As a result, luck & timing had to play some part in it as well as it does for everything in wrestling and life. Orton having not had the goods is almost as ridiculous as the notion that Triple H only became as big of a star as he has because he was banging Stephanie McMahon. If by some microscopic fluke that was the primary reason...well then...pretty nice work if you can get it. ;)

You have to remember that Orton was part of that OVW class that had so many important guys in there. Of that crop only Brock was ever singled out for greatness from the start.

Cena, Orton, Batista, Benjamin, Dinsmore all had equal chance to rise up at that time but in reality this is the order WWE would have looked at them in terms of who they'd like to get over... equate it to the last batch of NXT guys to come up to the roster, you'll have an order of how important they are even before they debut. Shield were a priority and deputed strong, but even within that group there was a pecking order with Ambrose at the top and Rollins the "bonus" if he gets over. Bray Wyatt is a priority cos he has been booked super strong but even within the guys on the show the other night in NXT there will be a pecking order - by giving Neville that belt they have singled him out at the next most important guy, then Zayn and Paige...

So back to Orton.

In 2002 they're looking an a pretty athletic kid, not the ugliest guy in the world so someone who has the right "look" and has a name that will resonate. How many people in 2002 even remebered Cowboy Bob? not many, he was a bit part player for 3 Manias... but the 2nd generation thing does hold a big attraction for casual and hardcore fans alike and Orton was the first one they perhaps used this to their advantage rather than the standard repackaging like Owen initially got.

He had some problems and some work was needed. You don't get thrown out the Marines for nothing, he had a cocky streak a mile wide and that is arguably the reason they put him in with Flair and Triple H to help teach him to control that and channel it into performance rather than life. Whatever you say about both guys, neither Flair or Triple H are known for being overly cocky or obnoxious in public or backstage but can be among the worst onscreen or when playing their roles... I got to meet Trips many years ago when he was still with Chyna and he was not cocky, he was pretty much what he portrays now onscreen albiet younger and not the bosses son yet and it was a nice brief chat cos I wasn't marking out but talking to he guy about anything but wrestling... Flair can be prickly if you try and be smart and plays up to the Ric Flair gimmick but again, most people would say he is a class act unless you try and make out you're part of his business. All are valuable to a kid like Orton, especially one with a preconceived chip on his shoulder and sore points built in like his military record... You could imagine someone needling him about it in 02/03 and him losing it where as now he'd probably shrug and ask you how much you earned last year.

In Orton's case he improved where he needed to in the ring (with those two teaching you you should) but his attitude continued to let him down. This led to him losing titles and steam at crucial times of his career. Be it trashing a hotel room or the fabled shitting in a handbag (Sorry Amy Weber, saying it never happened is classy but I am not so sure...) Muck sticks to Orton in a way it only really has for Shawn previously but on the whole the positives outweighed the negatives.

When he had his last wobble when working with Barrett I am convinced he should have been 3rd striked but they swept it... and I am convinced it will happen before too long - his record shows he has peaks and valleys and is due a valley right about now...

In terms of family we can agree Orton Sr has probably hindered rather than helped. Any initial boost he got from the name quickly fizzled as Randy is now by far the most famous Orton and Bob's astonishing faux pas when working with Taker and blading despite carrying something communicable was unforgivable - he's never been seen since and won't be. His uncle Barry blowing the whistle on Mel Phillips and Pat Patterson's blowing whistles probably also still is a black mark so to speak, even if there was wrongdoing.

Being backed by Triple H? Is Orton really backed by Triple H? Perhaps in the sense that he is someone he has "trained" himself and thus can rely on to perform in the ring, if not always behave outside of it. In ring he's not "as good" as Trips was (in Paul's head anyway) so there's little danger of them being compared in that way but again, when he's good Orton can be a great headliner... when he's going through the motions as he has through a lot of this title run then he can suck ass... the only thing saving him right now is that people hate Dave more than they hate him...

I personally think Vince wouldn't have gone with Orton this time out, he'd have gone with Cena or Ryback if he could... but as this is "Trips time" then Orton is a compromise Vince can't argue against, he served his penance for his last misdemeanors, he has name value and is "a good hand". He's also someone who can "take the flak" and be that "villain the WWE Universe needs", Orton can take a lot of shit sticking to him and deflect from any failings in Cena.

Where Orton goes post Mania is going to be interesting. I see Cena taking time off to heal injuries. If Punk returns then he is likely getting top billing with Bryan for a while and Bootista now has the top heel role for the forseeable... with Wyatt quickly taking the other spot...

If Orton is ever gonna pick up that 3rd strike it's then... if he's pissed off, unhappy or tries too hard to force his way back into it... it might not even be Wellness related, he might just get frustrated and so something stupid again. If he did get canned for a 3rd violation, I don't think it would kill his career by any stretch, a year out may make the fans miss him, let him get his personal life stable, spend time with his daughter and decide if he wants to be a career guy and ultimately become a jobber to the stars ala Alberto, Christian and the like or become another part timer who comes in for odd spells. If it had been Orton returning instead of Dave, I don't think he'd be getting the boos at all...
