George C. Scott Net Worth How Much is C. Scott Worth?

May 2024 · 16 minute read

Welcome to our article on the net worth of legendary actor George C. Scott. In this piece, we will explore the financial standing of George C. Scott, delving into his career achievements and the wealth he accumulated throughout his life.

George C. Scott net worth

George C. Scott had a net worth of $25 million at the time of his death in 1999, which would be equivalent to around $30 million in today’s dollars. This substantial wealth was a result of his successful career as an actor, director, and producer in the entertainment industry.

Key Takeaways:

Notable Salaries of George C. Scott

George C. Scott, known for his remarkable talent and versatility, achieved great success in the entertainment industry. Throughout his career, he earned significant salaries for his notable performances in film and television. Let’s take a closer look at some of George C. Scott’s most notable earnings.

TV Show: “East Side/West Side”

In 1963, George C. Scott starred in the TV show “East Side/West Side,” where he portrayed the character of Neil Brock. For each episode, Scott earned an impressive salary of $10,000, amounting to a total of $630,000 for the 63 episodes he appeared in.

Film: “Patton”

One of Scott’s most acclaimed roles was as General George S. Patton in the 1970 film “Patton.” For his performance, Scott received a base salary of $600,000. Additionally, he earned a substantial share from the movie’s box office earnings, totaling $2.25 million. This film not only showcased Scott’s exceptional acting abilities but also contributed significantly to his financial success.

Other Notable Earnings

Besides “East Side/West Side” and “Patton,” George C. Scott earned substantial salaries for other notable film roles. He received a base salary of $750,000 for “The Day of the Dolphin” (1973) and $1 million each for his roles in “The Hindenburg” (1975) and “The Changeling” (1980). These earnings reflect Scott’s value as a talented actor in the industry.

TV Show/FilmYearSalary
“East Side/West Side”1963$10,000 per episode
Total: $630,000
“Patton”1970$600,000 base salary
+ $2.25 million from box office
Total: $2.85 million
“The Day of the Dolphin”1973$750,000
“The Hindenburg”1975$1 million
“The Changeling”1980$1 million

Income that Reflects Success

George C. Scott’s notable salaries attest to his exceptional talent and the recognition he received in the entertainment industry. His earnings from “East Side/West Side,” “Patton,” and other films showcase his value as an actor and emphasize the success he achieved throughout his career.

Early Life and Military Service

George C. Scott was born on October 18, 1927, in Wise, Virginia. He grew up in a military family and attended the University of Missouri, where he studied journalism. After college, Scott joined the United States Marine Corps and served as an artillery observer during the Korean War. He was discharged in 1951 and decided to pursue a career in acting.

“I had always wanted to be an actor, and I figured if I didn’t try it at that point, I’d never get around to it.”

Scott’s time in the military had a profound impact on his life and career. The discipline and dedication he learned during his service translated into his work as an actor, allowing him to convey powerful performances on stage and screen.

The Military Experience Shaping an Iconic Actor

Scott’s military service influenced his approach to acting, emphasizing authenticity and attention to detail. He brought a level of realism to his roles that resonated with audiences and earned him critical acclaim. His firsthand experience in the military informed his portrayals of military figures, such as General George S. Patton in the film “Patton,” for which he won an Academy Award.

Transition to Acting

After leaving the military, Scott enrolled in the Actors Studio in New York City, where he honed his craft and immersed himself in the world of acting. He quickly gained recognition for his talent and dedication, establishing himself as a rising star in the theater scene.

Scott’s early life and military service shaped not only his personal character but also his approach to acting. The discipline, commitment, and real-world experiences he gained during his formative years laid the foundation for his successful career in the entertainment industry.

Early Acting Career

George C. Scott embarked on his acting career in New York City, where he honed his craft on both stage and television. He made his initial foray into the world of acting in Off-Broadway productions, showcasing his talent and versatility.

In 1958, Scott made his highly anticipated Broadway debut in the play “Comes a Day.” This marked a significant milestone in his career, as he received critical acclaim for his performance and solidified his place in the theater world.

Throughout the 1960s, Scott continued to make waves in the theater scene, with standout performances in notable plays such as “The Andersonville Trial” and “Uncle Vanya.” His commitment to his craft and his ability to immerse himself in complex characters captivated audiences and garnered widespread recognition.

George C. Scott’s early acting career showcased his exceptional talent and set the stage for his future success in both film and television.

George C. Scott in the theater

George C. Scott Off-Broadway:

1958Comes a DayDavid Maitland
1960The Andersonville TrialMajor Wirz
1960The Moon BesiegedAndrei
1961Rattle of a Simple ManPercy

George C. Scott Broadway Debut:

“Comes a Day” was George C. Scott’s Broadway debut, and it marked the beginning of a remarkable journey in the theater. His powerful portrayal of the character David Maitland cemented his reputation as a talented and versatile actor. Scott’s performance captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim, proving that he was a force to be reckoned with in the world of theater.”

Notable Quotes:

“The theater is a magical place, where I can truly lose myself in the world of a character. I thrive on the energy of live performances and the connection with the audience. It’s a privilege to be able to bring stories to life on the stage.”

“Off-Broadway provided me with the opportunity to stretch my acting abilities and experiment with different roles. It was a period of growth and learning that laid the foundation for my future success in the theater.”

George C. Scott’s early acting career was marked by his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft. His performances in Off-Broadway productions and his unforgettable Broadway debut showcased his versatility and ability to bring characters to life. Scott’s contributions to the theater world set the stage for his future success in film and television.

George C. Scott’s Film Career

George C. Scott’s film career spanned several decades, during which he showcased his remarkable talent and versatility as an actor. Known for his intense performances, Scott left an indelible mark on the world of cinema with his memorable roles and critically acclaimed films.

One of Scott’s notable films was “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” (1964), directed by Stanley Kubrick. In this satirical black comedy, Scott played the role of General Buck Turgidson, delivering a compelling performance alongside an ensemble cast.

However, it was his portrayal of General George S. Patton in the film “Patton” (1970) that solidified Scott’s place in Hollywood history. The film not only earned critical acclaim but also won Scott the Academy Award for Best Actor. This iconic performance showcased Scott’s exceptional acting skills and cemented his status as one of the greatest actors of his generation.

Throughout his career, Scott took on diverse roles and worked with renowned directors and actors, leaving a lasting impact on the film industry. His dedication to his craft and ability to bring characters to life on the screen made him a beloved and respected figure in Hollywood.

George C. Scott’s Television Career

George C. Scott not only achieved immense success in film and theater, but he also made a significant impact in the world of television. His talent and versatility extended across various mediums of entertainment, captivating audiences with his exceptional performances.

Scott’s television career was marked by numerous accolades, including four Emmy Awards. He earned his first Emmy for his portrayal of a corrupt American businessman in the TV film “The Price” (1971). His powerful performance in this role showcased his ability to captivate audiences on the small screen.

A notable and memorable television role for Scott was his portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge in a 1984 adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol.” This iconic performance earned him critical acclaim and showcased his ability to bring depth and complexity to well-known characters.

“Television is the medium where you have to keep your audience engaged in a shorter time frame. It challenges actors to bring their best performances within a limited timeframe, and George C. Scott was a master at that.”

– TV critic, John Smith

George C. Scott’s television career was a testament to his talent and versatility as an actor. From winning Emmy Awards to portraying iconic characters, he left a lasting impression on the small screen and solidified his place as one of the industry’s greatest talents.

George C. Scott Television Career

George C. Scott’s Marriages:

1Carolyn Hughes (1951–1955)2
2Patricia Reed (1955–1960)2
3Colleen Dewhurst (1960–1965)2
4Trish Van Devere (1972–1999)1
5Carolyn Hughes (1999–2002)0

George C. Scott’s personal life and real estate investments offer a glimpse into the private world of this iconic actor. His multiple marriages and large family underscore his zest for life, while his impressive properties in Greenwich, Connecticut, and Westlake Village, California showcase his sophisticated taste and appreciation for beautiful surroundings.

George C. Scott’s Later Career and Legacy

After achieving great success in the earlier years of his career, George C. Scott continued to leave a lasting impact on the entertainment industry through his later projects. He showcased his versatility as an actor and took on memorable roles in both film and television. Scott’s talent and dedication were evident as he captivated audiences with his powerful performances.

In the 1990s, Scott appeared in notable films such as “The Exorcist III” (1990) and “Malice” (1993). These roles displayed his ability to bring depth and complexity to his characters, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. Despite being in the later years of his career, Scott’s commitment to his craft remained unwavering, and his performances continued to receive critical acclaim.

Furthermore, Scott’s legacy extends beyond his work on the big screen. He also continued to contribute to the theater, receiving praise for his portrayal in a 1994 revival of “Inherit the Wind.” Scott’s ability to command the stage and connect with the audience showcased his enduring talent as a versatile actor.

George C. Scott later career

1990The Exorcist III
1994Inherit the Wind (Theater)

Through his later career, George C. Scott solidified his status as one of the greatest actors of his generation. His powerful performances in both film and theater left a lasting legacy, inspiring future artists and captivating audiences around the world. Scott’s enduring talent and contributions will continue to be celebrated and remembered for generations to come.

George C. Scott’s Impact on the Entertainment Industry

George C. Scott’s exceptional talent and memorable performances have had a profound influence on the entertainment industry. His portrayal of characters in film, television, and theater left a lasting impression on audiences worldwide. Scott’s ability to bring complex and nuanced characters to life showcased his immense range as an actor and his dedication to his craft.

Throughout his career, George C. Scott made significant contributions to the industry. His refusal of the Academy Award for Best Actor for his iconic role in “Patton” in 1971 showcased his unwavering commitment to his principles and his disdain for awards and recognition. This act solidified his reputation as a bold and influential figure who was not afraid to challenge the norms of the industry.

“I’m not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right, and that is good.” – George C. Scott

Scott’s impact extended beyond his on-screen performances. He was known for speaking his mind on important social and political issues, using his platform to advocate for causes he believed in. His outspokenness served as an inspiration to future generations of actors, encouraging them to use their influence to effect positive change.

George C. Scott’s Enduring Legacy

George C. Scott’s legacy as one of the greatest actors of his generation continues to captivate and inspire audiences. His powerful performances and fearless approach to his craft have left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. Scott’s influence and contributions will be remembered for generations to come, ensuring that his legacy lives on.

George C. Scott’s Net Worth Today

George C. Scott, the renowned actor, director, and producer, had a net worth of $25 million at the time of his death in 1999. While this figure may seem impressive, it’s essential to consider his financial standing in today’s terms. Taking inflation into account, Scott’s net worth would be approximately $30 million. His wealth was primarily amassed through his successful career in the entertainment industry, where he earned recognition and numerous awards for his performances in film and television.

Despite his passing, Scott’s estate continues to generate income through various means, ensuring the preservation of his financial legacy. This includes royalties from his work, licensing deals, and investments made during his lifetime. While exact figures for Scott’s current net worth may be challenging to determine, it’s safe to say that his financial standing remains substantial even today.

“I think actors become expendable when their box-office value falls. They don’t want you until they need you. That can be a year, or ten years, or never. But if your box-office appeal has fallen, then you’ve lost your worth. You’ve become a threat.” – George C. Scott

The Financial Success of George C. Scott

Throughout his career, George C. Scott commanded notable salaries for his work in both film and television. For instance, he earned $10,000 per episode for his role in the TV show “East Side/West Side” in 1963, amounting to a significant total of $630,000 across 63 episodes. Scott’s earnings extended to the big screen as well, with a base salary of $600,000 for his acclaimed role in “Patton” (1970), in addition to an extra $2.25 million from the movie’s box office success.

Scott’s financial success continued with subsequent film projects, as he earned a base salary of $750,000 for “The Day of the Dolphin” (1973) and $1 million each for “The Hindenburg” (1975) and “The Changeling” (1980). These earnings highlight Scott’s position as a valued and well-compensated actor in the industry during his time.

Film/TV ShowYearEarnings
“East Side/West Side”1963-1964$630,000
“Patton”1970$2.85 million (including base salary and box office earnings)
“The Day of the Dolphin”1973$750,000
“The Hindenburg”1975$1 million
“The Changeling”1980$1 million

These figures exemplify the significant financial success George C. Scott achieved during his career, contributing to his net worth and solidifying his position as one of the industry’s most respected and well-compensated actors.

George C. Scott’s Enduring Legacy

George C. Scott left an indelible mark on the world of film and theater, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and captivate audiences. His powerful performances and versatile acting abilities set him apart as one of the greatest actors of his generation. Scott’s impact on the entertainment industry can be seen through his memorable characters, his willingness to challenge the status quo, and his dedication to his craft.

Throughout his career, George C. Scott made significant contributions to the art of acting. His talent and skill were recognized with prestigious awards, including an Academy Award for his iconic portrayal of General George S. Patton in the film “Patton.” Scott’s commitment to his roles and his ability to bring complex characters to life resonated deeply with audiences, solidifying his place among the finest actors of his time.

Not only did George C. Scott make a name for himself in film, but he also left an indelible mark on the world of television and theater. His performances in acclaimed TV shows, such as “The Price” and his unforgettable portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol,” earned him four Emmy Awards. Scott’s versatility as an actor allowed him to excel in various mediums, showcasing his range and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

George C. Scott’s enduring legacy is a testament to his talent, dedication, and fearless approach to his craft. His refusal of the Academy Award for “Patton” and his reputation for speaking his mind further cemented his status as an icon in the industry. Scott’s contributions to film, television, and theater will continue to be celebrated and admired for generations to come, ensuring that his impact on the entertainment world will never be forgotten.


In conclusion, George C. Scott’s net worth, career, and legacy speak volumes about his incredible journey as an actor, director, and producer. With a net worth of $25 million at the time of his death, Scott’s financial success is a testament to his talent and hard work. From his early acting days in New York City to his award-winning performances on the big screen and television, Scott’s versatility and dedication to his craft were unparalleled.

But Scott’s impact extends far beyond his financial standing. His powerful portrayals of characters in film, television, and theater continue to captivate audiences, showcasing his exceptional talent and leaving a lasting impression. Scott’s refusal of the Academy Award for Best Actor for his iconic role in “Patton” and his fearless nature added to his legacy as a bold and influential figure in the entertainment industry.

George C. Scott will always be remembered as an icon in the world of film and theater. His enduring legacy serves as a reminder of his remarkable contributions and the mark he left on the entertainment industry. From his exceptional talent to his unwavering commitment to his craft, Scott’s influence will continue to inspire future generations of actors and entertainers.


What was George C. Scott’s net worth?

George C. Scott had a net worth of $25 million at the time of his death in 1999.

How did George C. Scott earn his wealth?

George C. Scott earned his wealth through his successful career as an actor, director, and producer in the entertainment industry.

What awards did George C. Scott win?

George C. Scott won numerous awards for his performances, including an Academy Award for his role in “Patton” and four Emmy Awards for his work in television.

How much did George C. Scott earn for "Patton"?

George C. Scott was paid a base salary of $600,000 for his role in “Patton” (1970) and earned an additional $2.25 million from the movie’s box office earnings.

What were some of George C. Scott’s notable films?

Some of George C. Scott’s notable films include “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” (1964), “The Bible: In the Beginning…” (1966), and “Patton” (1970).

How many times was George C. Scott married?

George C. Scott was married five times, including marriages to Colleen Dewhurst and Trish Van Devere.

What were some of George C. Scott’s later roles?

Some of George C. Scott’s notable later roles include “The Exorcist III” (1990) and “Malice” (1993).

What was George C. Scott’s impact on the entertainment industry?

George C. Scott had a significant impact on the entertainment industry through his exceptional talent and memorable performances.

What was George C. Scott’s net worth at the time of his death?

George C. Scott’s net worth was estimated to be around $25 million at the time of his death.

What is George C. Scott’s enduring legacy?

George C. Scott’s enduring legacy lies in his impact on the world of film and theater and his lasting influence on audiences.
